Monday 6 August 2018

Parish Council Minutes- 2018 June


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 4th June 2018
Leigh Village Hall commencing 7.30pm.
                        Councillor       E Beaman
                        Councillor       J Beaman         Chairman
                        Councillor       T Collins
                        Councillor       E Durose
                        Councillor       A Raby
                        Councillor       M Snowden
                        District Councillor      Councillor C Whittaker
                        Parishioners     Mrs W Lewis,  Mr B Chilton
                        Clerk               B A Boughey

18/028             Apologies                    None

18/029             Chairman’s Announcements           None

18/030             Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, Personal Interests, other Interests
                        None declared.

18/031             Minutes
18/031.1          COUNCIL RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting
                        of 14th May 2018 be signed by the meeting Chairman.

18/032             Outstanding Matters
18/032.1          Lime Close Bench.   Base now finished.  Bench to be positioned on 9th June.
18/032.2          Middleton Green Telephone Box.  No progress on arranging painting of the box.
18/032.3          The Green, Lower Leigh and other areas of land within or adjacent to the Highway
                        Following further discussions with County Highways, The Green is not included
                        on the Highways register or land charges register but all the other areas were -
                        the grassed triangles at Middleton Green / Morrilow Heath / Moor Lane, the area
                        adjacent to The Star, the visibility splays by the Post Office and Bents crossroads.
18/032.3.1       The County Council records show that the Recreation Ground is registered with
                        East Staffordshire Borough Council, registered ownership to be checked by Leigh
                        Recreation Ground committee.
18/032.3.2       East Staffordshire Borough Council legal department being consulted on any land
                        registered with the Borough within the Parish.
18/032.4          Manor Lane.  The Manor corner.  Installing chevrons.
                        As County Highways had not provided signs but had approved their use, a supplier
                        and costs have been obtained with a view to the Parish Council purchasing and
                        installing the signs.
18/032.4.1       Post meeting note.  It is possible that County Highways will now provide the signs.
18/033             Finance
18/033.1          Financial Statement and Bank Account Reconciliation.
                        Check of Financial Statement against Bank Statements completed.
18/033.2          Invoice   Croppers Ground Maintenance   Recreation Ground Mowing - May
                        £187.50 + £37.50 VAT   Total  £225.00 1976 LG(MP)A s19.1b
                        RESOLVED to pay the invoice.

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18/033.3          Transparency Code.  Required information published on the website.
18/033.3.1       Notice of Appointment Date for the Exercise of Public Rights in relation to the
                        Accounts and Audit - 11th June to 20th July 2018.
18/033.4          Insurance.  Notice of renewal and Employers / Public Liability certificates received.
18/033.5          Accountants.  Revised “Terms of Engagement” contract, resulting from GDPR signed.

18/034             Planning Applications
18/034.1          Applications returned to East Staffordshire Borough Council - Reply Awaited
18/034.1.1       P/2018/00080              Waterloo Farm,  Beamhurst.  JCB application
18/034.1.2       P/2018/00185              Rose Hill, Leigh Crossing.  Conversion - Barn to Dwelling
18/034.1.3       P/2018/00282              The Raddle,  Raddle Lane.  Retention of Agricultural Building
18/034.1.4       P/2018/00398              Bents Cottage, The Bents.  Annexe to Holiday Let
18/034.1.5       P/2018/00569              The Old Rectory, Church Leigh.  3 Bay Oak Framed Garage.

18/034.2          Application Decisions by East Staffordshire Borough Council
18/034.2.1       P/2018/00396  Permit  The Bents, Field Lane. Change of Use.
                                                            Outbuilding to ancillary accommodation
18/034.2.2       P/2018/00433  Permit Bottom Hedge Farm, Bramshall.  Agricultural Building

18/034.3          Applications received by the Parish Council for Consultation
18/034.3.1       P/2018/00611              Painley Hill Farm.  Menage / Fence / Gates
                        RESOLVED to raise no objections.
18/034.3.2       P/2018/00631              Mallions Croft, Church Leigh.  2 Storey side ext. & rear porch
                        RESOLVED to raise no objections.

18/034.4          Planning Appeals        None in progress.
18/034.5          Planning Queries         None

18/035             Correspondence
18/035.1          County Council
18/035.1.1       Clerk’s Report.  Discussion with area Highways Liaison Officer re Highway issues.
                        Chevron signs for Manor Lane, offer of road surface scrapping, responsibility for
                        land adjoining the A50 bridges, query related to the “green lane” the old road from
                        Leigh Bank to Parkhall Lane etc.
18/    RESOLVED to accept the offer of road scrappings for offloading on Hot Hill Lane, at
                        the railway bridge and at the pull-in on The Bents to Dodsleigh road.

18/035.2          East Staffordshire Borough Council
18/035.2.1       Update on current issues presented by Councillor Whittaker.
18/035.2.2       The Parish Council wish to thank Councillor Whittaker for obtaining a grant towards
                        the cost of purchasing the Lime Close Bench and for storing, transporting and
                        helping to site the bench.

18/035.3          Community Council of Staffordshire             None

18/035.4          Staffordshire Parish Councils’ Association
18/035.4.1       Weekly updates forwarded to Member Councillors for information.

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18/036             Matters raised by Member Councillors / Clerk
18/036.1          Councillor E Beaman
18/036.1.1       Leigh Recreation Ground.  Long grass around the benches.
18/    Strimming should be done four times a year by Croppers.  To be checked.
18/036.1.2       Bents Lane - Traffic speeding around the bend between Heath Cottage and No.8
                        Bents Lane.  There is an existing SLOW road marking sign in one direction.
18/036.1.3       Neighbourhood Watch issue and use of facebook.
18/036.1.4       Possibility of a Gas Pipeline for Leigh - query.
18/036.2          Councillor Snowden
                        Footpath adjacent to the Grass Dryer starting from the bottom of Chebsey Bank.
                        Need to cut back the vegetation.
18/036.3          Councillor J Beaman
                        Vegetation either side of the Visibility Railings opposite The Star requires cutting back.
18/036.4          Councillor Collins
                        Middleton Green grassed triangle.  Four conifer trees growing on the green.
                        One growing into the Oak Tree plus potential future visibility hazard.
18/036.4.1       Councillor Collins to seek local opinion on cutting back or taking out the conifers.

18/037             Date of Next Meeting
18/037.1          Monday 2nd July 2018.

The meeting concluded at 8.43pm. 
                                                                                    Signed             _______________      Chairman

                                                                                    Date                ______________.