Wednesday 24 January 2018

Parish Council Meeting - December 2017


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 4th December 2017
Leigh Village Hall commencing 7.40pm.
Following Public Participation which commenced at 7.30pm
                        Councillor       J Beaman         Chairman
                        Councillor       T Collins
                        Councillor       E Durose
                        Councillor       A Raby
                        Councillor       M Snowden

                        Parishioners     Mrs W Lewis, Mrs B Smallwood,  Mr D Wilson, Mr J Slater,
                                                Mr R Slater, Mr B Chiltern.
                        Clerk               B A Boughey

17/089             Apologies                    Councillor       B Barker
17/089.1          Other Apologies          District Councillor      Councillor C Whittaker

17/090             Chairman’s Announcements           No announcements.

17/091             Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, Personal Interests, other Interests
                        None declared.

17/092             Minutes
17/092.1          COUNCIL RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
                        of 6th November 2017 be signed by the meeting Chairman.

17/093             Outstanding Matters
17/093.1          Middleton Green Telephone Box Defibrillator.
                        Painting of the Telephone Box.  Now leaving it until the Spring to undertake the work.
17/093.2          Lime Close replacement bench
                        The replacement bench had been delivered to Councillor Whittaker.
                        Now waiting for a base to be constructed before moving it into its designated position.
17/093.3          Parish Council Vacancy.
                        Clerk’s Report.
                        Two applications had been received in response to the notice posted on the Parish Notice
                        Boards.  The vacancy was also advertised in the December issue of the Parish Magazine
                        which is currently being circulated.
17/093.3.1       RESOLVED to wait for any further applicants and to co-opt at the January meeting.

17/094             Finance
17/094.1          Financial Statement and Bank Account Reconciliation.
                        Check of Financial Statement against Bank Statements completed.
17/094.2          Invoice   Croppers Ground Maintenance   Recreation Ground Mowing
                        November       £187.50 + £37.50 VAT   Total  £225.00 1976 LG(MP)A s19.1b
                        Invoice   Croppers Ground Maintenance   Recreation Ground Mowing
                        RESOLVED to pay the invoice.
17/094.3          Invoice.  1&1 Website Fee.  £23.97 + £4.79 VAT.  Total £28.76.
                        RESOLVED to pay the invoice, payable to Mrs C Astbury.   LGA 1972 s142.

                                                                                                                        04 December 2017 (2)

17/094.4          Clerk’s Quarterly Salary Gross £375.00 Net £300.00 PAYE £75.00. LGA 1972 s112(2)
17/094.4.1       RESOLVED to pay the Clerk the Net Salary of £300.00
17/094.4.2       RESOLVED to pay HMRC to PAYE of £75.00
17/094.5          External Audit Arrangements for 2017 / 2018.  Information received from the
                        Smaller Authorities’ Audit Appointments Ltd.    Mazars LLP appointed as the Auditor.
17/094.6          Budget Precept for 2018 / 2019.
                        Notification from East Staffordshire Borough Council that the Tax Base for 2018 / 2019
                        is set to be slightly lower than the current year and that the Government Support Grant is
                        also reduced. The result being that in maintaining the same Parish Council element of                    the household tax the Parish Council would receive approximately £15.00 less.
17/094.6.1       The Precept for 2018 / 2019 to be confirmed at the January meeting.
                        Proposal that it is set so as to maintain the same household tax level.
17/094.7          The invoice for the Bench Seat from David Ogilvie Ltd has not been received.

17/095             Planning Applications
17/095.1          Applications returned to East Staffordshire Borough Council - Reply Awaited
17/095.1.1       P/2017/01038              Windy Fields Farm, Middleton Green.
                                                            Agricultural building to Dwelling
17/095.1.2       P/2017/01257              Moor House Farm, Field.  Agricultural Buildings

17/095.2          Application Decisions by East Staffordshire Borough Council
17/095.2.1       P/2016/00863  Given   Broad Oak Farm, Bramshall. Agricultural building to dwellings
17/095.2.2       P/2017/00658  Permit Cart Hovel, Lees Lane, Dodsleigh.  Conversion of Cart Hovel
                                                            to form dwelling plus erection of detached garage / wood store.

17/095.3          Applications received by the Parish Council for Consultation
17/095.3.1       P/2017/01279              The Raddle,  Raddle Lane.  Retention of Agricultural Building
                        RESOLVED to object to this application.
17/095.3.2       P/2017/01313              Morrilow Heath Farm. Prior Notice.  Agricultural Building
                        RESOLVED to raise no objections to this application.
17/095.3.3       P/2017/01410              2 Chebsey Bank Cottage.  Detached garage with home office.
                        RESOLVED to raise no objections to this application.
17/095.3.4       P/2017/01468              2 Grindley Cottages, Leigh Crossing.  Extensions / detached garage
                        RESOLVED to raise no objections to this applications.

17/095.4          Planning Appeals        None in progress.
17/095.5          Planning Queries
17/095.5.1       Wood View                Application with Caravan and Motorhome Club.
                        Application approved subject to stipulated conditions.

17/096             Correspondence
17/096.1          County Council           None
17/096.2          East Staffordshire Borough Council
17/096.2.1       Correspondence in relation to the 2018 / 2019 Precept.
17/096.3          Community Council of Staffordshire             None
17/096.4          Staffordshire Parish Councils’ Association
17/096.4.1       Weekly updates forwarded to Member Councillors for information.
17/096.4.2       General Data Protection Regulations May 2018.
                        Clerk’s Report on a briefing by Staffordshire County Council on the impact of the
                        revised Regulations that come into force in May 2018.
                        For information from the Information Commissioners Office and NALC expected.

                                                                                                                        04 December 2017 (3)

17/097             Matters raised by Member Councillors / Clerk
17/097.1          Councillor Raby.
17/097.1.1       Defibrillator Training Event organised by Leigh WI on Sunday 19th November.
                        Fifty parishioners attended the session.
17/097.1.2       Councillor Raby volunteered to undertake the periodic checks on all the Defibrillators in
                        the Parish.
17/097.2          Councillor Snowden
                        Senior Citizens Christmas Dinner, preparations for Saturday 9th December.
                        Wished to record thanks to Michael Johnson for his work in installing the internal lighting
                        in the Village Hall.

17/098             Date of Next Meeting
17/088.1          Monday 8th January 2018. 7.30pm.
The meeting concluded at 8.25pm. 

                                                                                    Signed             _______________      Chairman

                                                                                    Date                ______________.

Public Participation Meeting
Notes of the meeting held prior to the
Parish Council Meeting of 4th December 2017

Public Participation prior to the Meeting.  Commencing at 7.30pm.  Concluding at 7.40pm.

Present            Councillor       J Beaman
                        Councillor       T Collins
                        Councillor       E Durose
                        Councillor       A Raby
                        Councillor       M Snowden

                        Parishioners     Mrs W Lewis, Mrs B Smallwod, Mr D Wilson, Mr J Slater,
                                                Mr R Slater, Mr B Chiltern.

                        Clerk               B A Boughey

Mr J Slater

Raising the issue relating to the footpath access to All Saints Church from School Lane.
Safety concerns due to the slippery conditions due to the fallen leaves.

Mrs Smallwood

Hot Hill Lane and the damage to the road side verge protecting the ditch, the result of a lorry going into the ditch.  Concern that other vehicles would pull in for oncoming traffic and drive into the ditch.

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