Monday 21 March 2016

Annual Parish Assembly Minutes - 2015 April

LEIGH ANNUAL PARISH ASSEMBLY     Thursday 27th April 2015

Meeting chaired by Councillor John Beaman

Notes of the meeting

Present           Councillors   J Beaman, E Durose, L Ingram, B Smallwood, M Snowden

                        Parishioners      Mrs W Lewis, Mrs P Ingram, Mrs I Snowden, Mrs L Greenwood.
                                                Mrs E Durose & Mrs W Kirk, Mrs Kenny (School Headteacher)
                                                Mrs Higson,  Mr G Warburton, Mrs J Rowley.
                        Parish Council Clerk       B A Boughey

1          Annual Report of Leigh Parish Council

Presented by the Chairman of the Parish Council, Councillor John Beaman

A welcome to all those attending to the Annual Parish Assembly.

The Parish Council meetings were held each month, during the year two Member Councillors had resigned, Carol Astbury and Louise Fletcher-Chard.  Matthew Roe and Michael Snowden had been co-opted to take their place.

2015 is a Parish Council election year, Councillors, Bernice Smallwood, Lionel Ingram, and Ben Oakes are not seeking re-election which leaves three vacancies to be filled by the Parish Council by  co-option.  Applications are invited.

The District Councillor, Colin Whittaker, attended most of the meetings, representing the parishes interests at Borough level.
There were typically three or four parishioners who attended each meeting with questions being raised and comments made during the Public Participation sessions.

The County Councillor Philip Atkins continued to represent Uttoxeter Rural Division.
The District Councillor Colin Whittaker continued to represent Abbey Ward

Sadly the former long standing Parish Council Member and  Past Chairman, Eddy Backhouse died during the year.
Dialogue with other authorities continued throughout the year with the County Council and Borough Council, there was little contact with Staffordshire Police.
For the County Council the main issues were related to Highway matters such as :-
The ongoing problem of potholes, blocked gullies, ditches resulting in flooded roads.
Extensive work on Hot Hill Lane was completed, drainage installation and resurfacing near the junction with the Uttoxeter / Stone Road.
Some work on drainage on Moor Lane was completed.
The Neighbourhood Highway Teams cleared vegetation each side of the visibility railings at the top of Hothill Lane and in Church Leigh and painted visibility railings and railings at the River Bridge.
District Council involvement :-

Consultations on Planning Applications dealt with by the Borough Council as the Planning Authority for the area continued :-

There were 26 applications, a decrease of around 30% on the previous year and back down to the levels of previous years, most of which were approved.  With regard to the two new build sites, one was withdrawn and one refused.

Replacement Dwelling               2
New multiple Dwelling sites                   2
Domestic Extensions                             4
Splitting Dwelling to two dwellings         1
Outbuilding - Change of Use                 2
Agricultural Building to Dwelling            4
Agricultural Buildings                2
Stable Block / Outbuildings                   1
Garage                                                 3
Extension to Garage                              1
Retention of Oil Tank                            1
Electricity Supply upgrade                     1
Continued use of business premises       1
Certificate of Lawfulness                       1

Planning Enforcement queries raised by the Parish Council included :-
Continuation of querying the Derelict House, Holmcroft, in Dodsleigh Lane, use of garages, land at Dodsleigh, storage of farming materials, building without apparent planning consent.


Financial support was provided to Church Leigh Village Hall through a donation and payment of the Lottery Licence, payment for the grass cutting of the Recreation Field and the payment of Handbell insurance continued.  Printing was undertaken for the Produce Show schedule.

The Senior Citizens Christmas Dinner was in the main organised by the Carol Astbury with help from other Member Councillors.  The cost of the event being covered by a combination of a donation from the May Ball and a contribution from the Parish Council.

An Emergency Plan for the Parish was completed.
Footpath undergrowth clearance between two of the new Kissing Gates was completed.

2          Statement of the Parish Council’s Accounts for year ended 31st March 2015
            Report presented by the Clerk

3          Statement of the Parish Council’s Income & Expenditure estimates for 2015 / 2016
            Report presented by the Clerk.

4          Report from the County Councillor for Uttoxeter Rural Division
            Written report received from Councillor Philip Atkins. Read out by Councillor Beaman.
            Report circulated to Member Councillor via email.
            The full report available on request from the Clerk.

5          Report from the District Councillor for Abbey Ward
            Report presented by Councillor Colin Whittaker.  No present.  No Report.

6          To receive Reports from Village Organisations

6.1       Leigh Village Hall          Report presented by Mrs Wendy Lewis

            There had been new Curtains and a Carpet fitted.  Painting had been completed following
            the damage caused by the theft of lead from the roof.
            Re-marking of the Car Park lines had been completed.
            The next upgrade planned was to decorate the outside of the Hall.
            Usage of the Hall included, Parish Council, W.I., Dancing, Trusts, Bazaar, Bacon Butties etc.

6.2       Leigh W.I.        Report presented by Mrs Edith Durose

            The W.I met on Tuesday evenings, currently there are 36 Members.
            Typically 30 members attend the monthly meetings, Institute business followed by a Speaker.
            There are Craft Groups and Bi-monthly Lunches plus an outing to Heath House, and a
            Search & Rescue visit.
            Summer Lunch for 170 people at which 15 local W.I. groups supported.
            There are nationally 212,000 members, with urban groups increasing.
            Denman College provide a whole variety of courses.
            Newsletters produced at all levels :-
            Nationally - W.I. Life.               County - Cornerstone.              Leigh - Monthly Newsletter.
            Centenary Year 2014.  Baton Relay passing through 69 associations which ends at the
            Albert Hall for the National Meeting.
            Focus nationally on more Midwives and organ transplant availability.
            Within the County there are Morning / Afternoon events at the County Showground,  at Checkley
            there is a Craft Dabble Day.  County Carol Service at Lichfield.
            There is an excellent programme at Leigh for the coming with Charles Hanson and
            Matthew Ellis booked.

6.3       Leigh Recreation Field  Report presented by Councillor John Beaman

            Trustees           Mr A Langridge, Mr J Slater, Mr D Brunt.   Secretary  Mrs I Snowden
            Committee        Mrs J Rowley, Councillor J Beaman, Councillor B Oakes.
                                    Cricket Club and Football Club representatives.
            Outgoings         Insurance and mowing
            Income from     Cricket Club, Football Club, May Ball and Strawberry Fayre.
            One of the biggest current issues is Dog Fouling and requiring dogs to be an a lead.
            Open meeting held during the year regarding the building of a pavilion.
            Now looking at an extension of the Village Hall as an alternative.
            Play Area - the surface is deteriorating, estimated repair costs £15,000 to £20,000.

6.4       Leigh United Charities   Report presented by Councillor Bernice Smallwood
            The Charity has seven trustees, the Vicar, two Churchwardens, three representatives of the
            Parish Council and one other chosen by the Trustees, Mrs C Astbury.
            Councillor Smallwood acts as secretary the Charity.
            The Vicar and Churchwardens serve as long as they are in office.
            Other trustees serve for five years after which they are up for re-election.
            Three Parish Council Representatives are Mrs C Dickin, Mr A Langridge and Cllr C Whittaker.

            The Charity is allowed to keep sufficient of its income for the upkeep of the three parcels of
            land totalling 14.97 acres and for other expenses, the rest must be distributed to the pensioners.             In 2014 £1,900 was distributed.

6.5       Spencer Trust               Report presented by Councillor John Beaman
            Trustees           Councillor J Beaman, Councillor B Smallwood, Mrs C Dickin, Mr D Heath,
                                    Mr D Brunt, Mr J Slater, Mr T Collins,
            Secretary / Treasures    Emma Beaman.

            An education trust which funds parishioners with five years residence who are between the ages
            of 18 to 25 with their further education.
            Twenty one acres of land is owned at Lees Lane, Dodsleigh which realises £2,200 per annum.
            A water pipe has been installed at an approximate cost of £8,000 plus a water trough but at no cost to the Trust.
            Eight grants of £200 were awarded in 2014.

6.6       Leigh May Ball Report presented by Mrs Izzy Snowden / Mrs Pat Ingram
            The May Ball has now been running for 10 year and has raised £30,000 for the community.
            Beneficiaries included the Recreation Field, Village Hall and Senior Citizens Christmas Dinner.
            Proposal to erect a seat on the Green at Lower Leigh.
6.6.1    Mrs Durose questioned the suitability of the site, referring to Access, Mowing, Daffodils.

6.7       All Saints School          Report presented by the Headteacher   Mrs Andrea Kenny.
            The report included the Constitution of The Governing Board.
            The three page report is available from the Clerk on request.
6.7.1    Question from Mrs J Rowley regarding the number of pupils. There are currently 54 attending of which 75% are local children.

7          Resolutions which written notice has been given.                None.

8          The deal with any other business raised by Parishioner.

8.1       Mr G Warburton.  Bringing the parishes attention to achievements of Clive Baggaley and
            his Daughter in completing the London Marathon.
8.2       Mrs J Rowley.  Raising the issue of potholes in the local roads.
8.3       Councillor J Beaman.  Litter Picking on Parkhall Lane last Saturday had resulted in a

            significant amount rubbish being gathered from the highways verges.  Thanks to all those            involved.  Proposal to provide Hi-vis jackets for the litter picking group.

Parish Council Minutes - 2016 February


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 1st February 2016

Leigh Village Hall Commencing 7.40pm.
Following Public Participation commencing at 7.30pm.
                        Councillor         B Barker
                        Councillor         J Beaman         Chairman
                        Councillor         T Collins
                        Councillor         E Durose
                        Councillor         A Raby
                        Councillor         M Roe
                        Councillor         M Snowden
                        District Councillor         Councillor C Whittaker

                        Parishioners      Mrs B Smallwood, Mrs W Lewis, Mr G Warburton
                                                Mr D Wilson, Mr J Slater, Mr R Slater, Mr B Oakes

                        Clerk                B A Boughey

15/110             Apologies                    (None)

15/111             Chairman’s Announcements (None)

15/112             Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, Personal Interests and
                        other Interests
15/112.1          None declared.

15/113             Minutes
15/113.1          COUNCIL RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
                        of 4th January 2016 be signed by the meeting Chairman.

15/114             Outstanding Matters
15/114.1          Emergency Plan.  No change.  Mr Read has now left East Staffordshire Borough
                        Council.  Waiting to be advised of his successor before arranging a meeting.
15/114.2          Defibrillator proposal.
15/114.2.1       Report from Councillor Beaman.
                        Owners of The Star are agreeable to a unit being sited on the outside wall of their
                        Discussions with Mark Wildon regarding locating a unit at his Lower Leigh site.
                        West Midlands Ambulance Service had been contacted and information obtained.
                        Discussion with potential supplier with invitation to the next Parish Council meeting,
                        unit being considered - SP1.  10 year warranty, cost £770 +VAT.  Heated cabinet cost
                        £300 + VAT.  No lock advised.
15/114.2.2       Councillor Barker raising a question on what training was provided.
                        Supplier to provide some training.
15/114.2.3       Councillor Snowden suggesting that the cabinet should be alarmed if not locked.
15/114.2.4       Leigh W.I involvement.  Councillor Beaman to attend their meeting on 9th February.

                                                                                                                        01 February 2016 (2)
15/114.3          Wildon (UK) Ltd.  Gully clearing in the Parish.
                        County Highways had given permission for Mark Wildon to clear gullies on an
                        emergency basis.
15/114.3.1       Report from Councillor Beaman
                        Three gullies had been cleaned out in School Lane.
15/114.3.2       Wildon (UK) to be thanked for their community work through the Parish Magazine.

15/115             Finance
15/115.1          Financial Statement and Bank Account Reconciliation.
                        Check of Financial Statement against Bank Statements completed.
15/115.2          Grant of £1,000 received from the office of the County Police and Crime Commissioner
                        towards the security project for Leigh Village Hall.  Allocated to the project.
                        Application made as a result of the Village Hall security requirements and the offer of
                        grants through the County PCC People Power Fund.
                        Grant directed through the Parish Council account with the Village Hall having
                        responsibility for administering the project.
                        The grant to be assigned by the end of March and accounted for on completion or
                        before the end of October deadline.
15/115.2.1       Councillor Beaman to obtain quotations for the security installation

15/116             Planning Applications
15/116.1          Applications returned to East Staffordshire Borough Council - Reply Awaited
15/116.1.1       P/2015/01420              Manor Farm, Dodsleigh.  Relocation of Farm Access.
15/116.1.2       P/2015/01614              Bents Cottage,  The Bents.
                                                            Change of Use. Annexe/Garage to Dwelling
15/116.1.3       P/2015/01690              Riversmead,  Lower Leigh.
                                                            Demolition of rear extension and erection of side extension

15/116.2          Application Decisions by East Staffordshire Borough Council
15/116.2.1       P/2015/01549              Tollgate House, Dodsleigh Lane, Dodsleigh.
                        Permitted.                   Demolition of Garage and erection of single storey extension.

15/116.3          Applications received by the Parish Council for Consultation
15/116.3.1       P/2015/01507              Field Mill Farm. Erection of an Agricultural Workers dwelling.
                        RESOLVED to recommend approval.
15/116.3.2       P/2015/01702/03         Park Hall Farm.  Conversion to form one dwelling plus LBC.
                        RESOLVED to recommend approval.
15/116.3.3       P/2016/00016              Lion Farm,  Middleton Green.
                                                            Agricultural Building to form two dwellings.
                        RESOLVED to recommend approval.
15/116.3.4       P/2016/00067              The Meadows,  Hill Lane,  Middleton Green.
                                                            Extended use of paddock - Horses, Stable, Manege
                        RESOLVED to recommend approval.

15/116.4          Planning Appeals          None in progress.

15/116.5          Planning Queries
15/116.5.1       Wood View,  Morrilow Heath.
                        ESBC Enforcement Officer confirming dialogue with the applicant and the Planning
                        Department prior to and during the work being undertaken.
15/116.5.2       The Raddle,  Raddle Lane.   Environmental issues raised regarding the operations from              this site. ESBC Enforcement Officer / Environmental Planning to be contacted.

                                                                                                                        01 February 2016 (3)  

15/117             Correspondence
15/117.1          County Council
15/117.1.1       Proposed meeting with our County Councillor and Highway Officers.
                        Arranged for Monday 29th February.  7.00pm  Leigh Village Hall.
                        Proposed that it should be a public meeting.  Notices to be posted.       
15/117.1.2       Staffordshire Great War Event.  National Memorial Arboretum on 5th March.
15/117.1.3       A50 Growth Corridor News Update dated 7th January.  For information.

15/117.2          East Staffordshire Borough Council
15/117.2.1       Notice of the retirement of Mr W Read the Resilience Officer involved in the
                        Emergency Plan.  For information.
15/117.2.2       Housing Choice Supplement Planning Document.  Consultation open until 4th March.
15/117.2.3       “Clean for the Queen” Initiative.  Parish Litter Pick.  Week commencing 29th February.
15/    Leigh Parish Litter Pick arranged for Saturday 20th February.
15/117.2.4       Letter relating to the implementation of the Community Infrastructure Levy.
                        For information.
15/117.2.5       Councillor Whittaker.  Comment on the recent increase of fly tipping in Bramshall.

15/117.3          Community Council of Staffordshire                  None

15/117.4          Staffordshire Parish Councils’ Association
15/117.4.1       Weekly updates forwarded to Member Councillors for information.
15/117.4.2       Notice of vacancies on the Executive for the East Staffordshire Borough area.

15/117.5          Staffordshire Moorlands Council.  Notice of Checkley Parish Council Neighbourhood
                        Plan.  Area designation consultation.  For information.
15/117.6          email from Mr L Ingram detailing the meeting arranged with Andrew Griffiths MP
                        at The Star on Friday 5th February to raise issues about the lack of Superfast                             Broadband availability in Leigh.

15/118             Matters raised by Member Councillors / Clerk
15/118.1          Councillor Roe.  Telephone Box at Middleton Green is still working and in place
                        but with a notice to say that it will be removed or could be available for adoption.
15/118.1.1       To be checked as a possible location for a defibrillator.

15/119             Date of Next Meeting
15/119.1          Monday 7th March 2016.   Leigh Village Hall 7.30pm.

The meeting concluded at 9.10pm.       
                                                                                    Signed              _______________      Chairman

                                                                                    Date                 ______________

Public Participation Meeting
Notes of the meeting held prior the
Parish Council Meeting of 1st February 2016

Public Participation prior to the Meeting.  Commencing at 7.30pm.  Concluding at 7.40pm.

                        Councillor         B Barker
                        Councillor         J Beaman         Chairman
                        Councillor         T Collins
                        Councillor         E Durose
                        Councillor         A Raby
                        Councillor         M Roe
                        Councillor         M Snowden

                        District Councillor         Councillor C Whittaker

                        Parishioners      Mrs B Smallwood, Mrs W Lewis, Mr G Warburton
                                                Mr D Wilson, Mr J Slater, Mr R Slater, Mr B Oakes

                        Clerk                B A Boughey

1          Mrs Smallwood

1.1       Pothole in Manor Lane on the Tean road between Moor Farm and the junction with Leigh Lane
            To be reported to County Highways.

1.2       Reported blocked culvert at the Hill Lane, Intakes Lane, Raddle Lane junction
            This problem had already been reported to County Highways.

2          Mr Warburton

2.1       Parkhall Lane / A50 boundary fence.
            This problem had been reported to the Highway Agency contractors, Balfour Beatty.
            To be progressed.

2.2       Parkhall Lane / Leigh Lane junction.  Provision of bollards / chevrons at the junction.
            Problem of vehicles crossing straight over the Give Way on Parkhall Lane into the hedge.
            To be considered for work within the Neighbourhood Highway Team programme.