Monday, 12 June 2017
Leigh Annual Parish Assembly - 2017 April
Monday 3rd April 2017
Meeting chaired by Councillor John Beaman Chairman of the Parish Council
Notes of the meeting
Present Councillors B Barker, J Beaman, T Collins, E Durose, M
Roe, M Snowden
Councillor Councillor C Whittaker
Parishioners Mrs B
Smallwood, Mrs W Lewis, Mr G Warburton, Mr J Slater
Council Clerk B A Boughey
1 Annual Report of Leigh
Parish Council for year ended 31st March 2017
Presented by the Chairman of the Parish Council, Councillor John Beaman
A welcome to all those attending to the Annual Parish Assembly.
The Parish Council had a full compliment of the seven Member Councillors
throughout the year with an average attendance record of 80%.
Parish Council meeting were held monthly at which most of the meetings
were attended by all of the Councillors with an average of 4 Parishioners
attending throughout the year, raising questions and commenting on Parish
The District Councillor, Colin Whittaker, attended most of the meetings,
representing the parishes interests at Borough level.
The County Councillor Philip Atkins continued to represent Uttoxeter
Rural Division.
County Council elections are due to be held on 4th May 2017.
Dialogue with other authorities continued throughout the year with the
County Council, Borough Council, Staffordshire Police, County Police and Crime
Commissioners office and Environmental Agency.
For the County Council the main issues again were related to Highway
matters such as :-
The ongoing problem of potholes, blocked gullies, highway edge erosion,
neglect of ditches resulting in flooded roads.
Anticipated follow-on meetings with County Highways, expected in the
Autumn of 2016 never materialised, it is still awaited.
The Neighbourhood Highway Team visited the Parish once last year,
strimming at the top of Hot Hill Lane and replacing the posts on the verge
halfway down Leigh Bank
These visits have now been withdrawn.
On an emergency basis County Highways sanctioned the clearing of gullies
by Wildon (UK) Ltd
The Parish Council is very grateful for the work that Mark Wildon
undertook on a voluntary basis.
District Council involvement :-
Consultations on Planning Applications dealt with by the Borough Council
as the Planning Authority for the area continued :-
There were 26 applications, a decrease of 15 applications on the
previous year (back to the level of 2014 / 2015) Most of the applications were approved.
Replacement Dwelling 1
New Farm Workers Dwelling 1
Domestic Extensions 7
Agricultural Building to Dwelling 4
Agricultural Buildings 1
Stable Block / Outbuildings 1
Garage / Store Room 1
Relocation of Access 2
Tree Preservation Order (Pruning) 2
Garden Pond 1
Agricultural land to Dom. Curtilage 3
Stable Block / Garage to Dwelling 2
Collection of litter bags following organised Litter Picking.
The PCSO, David Higgs attended a Parish Council meeting to update the
Parish on the role of PCSO’s.
During the year he was involved in three issues through requests by the
Parish Council.
A grant had been obtained from the County Police and Crime Commissioners
office for a security system for the Village Hall the previously year. This has now been installed.
The Environmental Agency had been contacted on issues in the Parish
during the year.
Financial support was provided to Church Leigh Village Hall through an
annual donation.
Payment for the grass cutting of the Recreation Ground and payment of
Handbell insurance continued.
Payment of the Produce Show schedule.
The Senior Citizens Christmas Dinner was primarily organised by Izzy
Snowden. The cost of the event being
covered by a combination of a donation from the May Ball and a contribution
from the Parish Council.
During the year the Parish Council purchased three Defibrillators,
supported by donations from the 2016 Leigh Calendar Group and significantly
from Leigh W.I..
The first Defibrillator was located at The Star and is operational.
The second and third Defibrillators are to be installed at The Farmers
Arms and in the Telephone Kiosk at Middleton Green.
A further unit may be purchased if a suitable location can be found at
A replacement Noticeboard for Church Leigh has recently been purchased.
2 Statement of the Parish
Council’s Accounts for year
ended 31st March 2017
Report presented by the
3 Statement of the Parish
Council’s Income &
Expenditure estimates for 2017 / 2018
Report presented by the
4 Report from the County Councillor
for Uttoxeter Rural Division
No report
presented, County Council election year.
5 Report from the District
Councillor for Abbey Ward
Report presented by
Councillor Colin Whittaker.
The Councillor
congratulated the Parish Council on looking forward to future spending given
the pending reduction
in County and District Council services and for the litter picking initiative undertaken in the parish.
Matters raised by
Councillor Whittaker included the following issues :-
No increase in the District
Council precept but an increase in the County rate to cover for continuing Care and Road Maintenance costs.
The Borough Council
were experiencing a reduction in Government Funding.
Trying to retain Sports
Facilities especially for young people.
On current spending on
leisure facilities there would be a shortfall in year 2019 / 2020.
Looking at options for
Leisure Centres being transferred to a Trust but the Council would still have their say.
Planning continually
6 To receive Reports from
Village Organisations
6.1 Leigh Village Hall Report presented by Mrs Wendy Lewis
The Old Boys School
Trustees 45 year lease was signed in 1987 and therefore has 15 years left.
During the year work
was carried out on the electrical system, interior decoration and replacing the fencing at the rear of the
This year the interior
decorating continues with work on the toilet and kitchen areas.
The Hall was used on a
regular basis by the Parish Council, Leigh W.I., Dance Group,
Cricket Club, Church
Bazaar, Childrens Parties and Bacon Butties mornings.
6.2 Leigh Recreation Ground Report presented by Councillor John
Trustees Mr A Langridge, Mr J Slater, Mr D
Secretary Mrs
I Snowden
Committee Mrs J Rowley, Mr M Johnson, Councillor J
Beaman, A Backhouse.
Club and Football Club representatives.
Outgoings Insurance, Play Equipment Inspection
£108, Mowing (Paid by the Parish Council)
Income from Cricket Club and Football Club
The Playing Fields are
actively used be parishioners.
Dogs on leads and dog
fouling remains a problem.
Lucy Mildwater is
currently looking at upgrade options and grant sources to improve the
Play Area.
6.3 Leigh United Charities Report presented by Mrs Bernice
The Charity has seven
trustees, the Vicar, two Churchwardens, three representatives of the
Parish Council and one
other chosen by the Trustees, Mrs C Astbury.
Mrs Smallwood acts as
secretary the Charity.
The Vicar and
Churchwardens serve as long as they are in office.
Other trustees serve
for five years after which they are up for re-election.
Three Parish Council
Representatives are Mrs C Dickin, Mr A Langridge and Cllr C Whittaker.
At the present time the
Trustees administer 3 areas of land :-
6.585 acres at Hodge
Birch, Stone Heath tenanted by Mr Mardling.
5.063 acres at Intakes,
Parkhall Lane tenanted by Mr J Whitehouse.
3.140 acres at Bents
Meadow and Blythe Croft tenanted by Mrs J Williams.
The Charity is allowed
to keep sufficient of its income for the upkeep of the three parcels of
land and for other
expenses, the rest must be distributed according to the rules of the Charity.
In 1997 the trustees
decided to distribute the monies once a year, it is given out at a Church
Service a few weeks
before Christmas to any pensioners in the Parish who apply.
2016 £1,640 was distributed to 35 pensioners.
6.4 Spencer Trust Report presented by Councillor
John Beaman
Trustees Mrs B Smallwood, Mrs C Dickin, Mr D
Heath, Mr D Brunt, Mr R Slater,
E Beaman, Councillor T Collins, Councillor C Whittaker, Mrs L Greenwood
Secretary / Treasurer Mrs L Orchard
Parish Council
Appointees Mrs B Smallwood, Mrs C
Dickin and Mr D Heath
An education trust
which funds parishioners with five years residence who are between the ages of 18 to 25 with their further
Twenty one acres of
land is owned at Lees Lane, Dodsleigh which realises £2,200 per annum.
Six grants of £500 were
awarded in 2016. Plus £200 to Church
Leigh School and £75 to the
Play Group.
Councillor Beaman
standing down this year after 30 years of service to the Trust.
Question from
Councillor Roe. How do you let
potential applicants know.
Response. Through the Parish Magazine and Notice
Board in May.
is not available to those attending Sixth Form Colleges.
6.5 All Saints School No report presented
6.6 Leigh May Ball No report presented.
Councillor Beaman
commented that it was a fantastic event which raised significant
amounts of money for
the Parish. The people who organise the
event are to be congratulated.
6.7 Leigh W.I. No report presented.
7 Resolutions which
written notice has been given. None.
8 The deal with any other
business raised by Parishioner. None
The meeting concluded
at 7.46pm
Parish Council Minutes - 2017 April
Minutes of the Parish Council
Meeting held on 3rd April 2017
Leigh Village Hall commencing
Following the Annual Parish
Assembly which commenced at 7.30pm
Councillor B
Councillor J Beaman
Councillor T Collins
Councillor E Durose
Councillor M Roe
Councillor M Snowden
Councillor Councillor C Whittaker
Parishioners Mrs B Smallwood, Mrs W Lewis. Mr & Mrs
Warburton, Mr J Slater
Clerk B A Boughey
17/001 Apologies Councillor A Raby
17/002 Minutes
that the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
of 6th
March 2017 be signed by the meeting Chairman.
17/003 Chairman’s
Announcements No announcements.
17/004 Declarations of
Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, Personal Interests and
Interests None declared.
17/005 Outstanding
17/005.1 Defibrillators
for the Farmers Arms and Middleton Green Telephone Box.
Update on
installation of the units from Councillor Beaman.
Arms unit with the electrician to install.
Green unit fitted and available for use but not electrically connected.
17/006 Finance
17/006.1 Financial
Statement and Bank Account Reconciliation.
Check of
Financial Statement against Bank Statements completed.
17/006.2 Staffordshire
Parish Councils’ Association
Subscription. £274.00. LGA 1972 s143
pay the Annual Subscription.
17/006.3 Community Council
of Staffordshire. Annual
Subscription. £25.00 LGA 1972 s137
pay the Annual Subscription.
17/006.4 Invoice. Leigh Village Hall. Council Meetings. Jan.
Feb. Mar. £75.00. LGA 1972 s111
pay the invoice.
17/006.5 Invoice Croppers Ground Maintenance Recreation Ground Mowing
£187.50 + £37.50 VAT Total £450.00 1976 LG(MP)A s19.1b
pay the invoice.
17/006.6 Clerk’s Postage.
April 2016 to March 2017.
£14.28 LGA 1972 s111.
reimburse the Clerk
03 April 2017 (2)
17/006.7 Internal
Audit. Juliet Hands of Hands & Co.
Chartered Accountants to undertake
The audit
prior to the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council.
17/006.7.1 End of Year
Accounts and Financial Record Book completed and signed by the Clerk
Receipts and Payments 2016/17, Income
& Expenditure Estimates 2017/18,
Statement for 2016/17 and the Fixed Asset Register.
circulated to Member Councillors for signing at the next Parish Council meeting
and after
the Internal Audit has been completed.
17/006.8 External
Audit. Submission date set for 16th
June 2017.
17/006.8.1 Required
information completed in draft form and circulated to Member Councillor.
for signing at the next Parish Council meeting and after the Internal Audit.
17/007 Planning
17/007.1 Applications
returned to East Staffordshire Borough Council - Reply Awaited
17/007.1.1 P/2016/00863 Broad Oak Farm, Bramshall.
Agricultural building to dwellings
17/007.2 Application
Decisions by East Staffordshire Borough Council
17/007.2.1 P/2016/01840 Perm. Log
Cabin, off Hill Lane, Morillow Heath.
of replacement Dwelling re: Cert. of Lawfulness 2010.
17/007.2.2 P/2017/00097 Perm. Field
Mill Farm. New Agricultural Dwelling.
17/007.3 Applications
received by the Parish Council for Consultation
17/007.3.1 P/2017/00320 1 Station View, Moor Lane, Lower
of garage, erection of triple garage with work room.
recommend approval as no objections were raised.
17/007.3.2 P/2017/00331 Barn Croft, Dodsleigh. Extensions, Double Garage, New Access.
recommend approval as no objections were raised.
17/007.3.3 P/2017/00298 &
Associated LBC 00367. Church View,
Church Leigh.
Access, wall and gates, erection of detached garage
recommend approval but to raise concern regarding the access visibility
17/007.4 Planning Appeals None in progress.
17/007.5 Planning Queries None
17/008 Correspondence
17/008.1 County Council
17/008.1.1 A50 Growth
Corridor. Update. For information.
17/008.1.2 Community Paths
Initiative 2017 / 2018. Project bids by
1st June. For information.
17/008.2 East
Staffordshire Borough Council None
17/008.3 Community Council
of Staffordshire None
17/008.4 Staffordshire
Parish Councils’ Association
17/008.4.1 Weekly updates
forwarded to Member Councillors for information.
17/008.5 Checkley
Neighbourhood Plan - Notification of Meeting.
For information.
17/008.6 emails from
Staffordshire Police. Inspector Bob Champeau. Information circulated.
03 April 2017 (3)
17/009 Matters raised
by Member Councillors / Clerk
17/009.1 Councillor
17/009.1.1 Hill Lane. Warning of sink hole up from the culvert at
the junction with Intakes and
Raddle lanes.
17/009.2 Councillor
17/009.2.1 Leigh Bank -
culvert heading stone still being hit by vehicles, white paint worn away.
17/009.2.2 Query raised with
Councillor Whittaker regarding the new Brown Bin directive.
regulations somewhat baffling with respect to some items that are now barred.
17/009.2.3 Fly Tipping - very
good response from ESBC on clearing up once tipping is reported.
17/ Discussion on
recent major fly tipping incidents in the area.
17/010 Date of Next
17/010.1 Monday 8th
May 2017. 7.30pm. Annual Meeting of the
Parish Council
The meeting concluded at 8.48pm.
Signed _______________ Chairman
Date ______________.
Tuesday, 6 June 2017
Parish Council Minutes - 2017 May
08 May 2017 (1)
Minutes of the Parish Council
Meeting held on 8th May 2017
Leigh Village Hall commencing
Councillor J Beaman
Councillor T Collins
Councillor E Durose
Councillor A Raby
Councillor M Roe
Councillor M Snowden
Parishioners Mrs B Smallwood, Mr G Warburton
Clerk B A Boughey
17/011 Apologies Councillor B
Barker (Work Commitment)
17/012 Election of
17/012.1 Councillor Beaman
nominated by all other Member Councillors present.
17/012.2 RESOLVED to
appoint Councillor Beaman as Chairman.
Unanimous decision.
17/012.3 Declaration of
Office Form signed by Councillor Beaman.
17/013 Election of Vice
17/013.1 Councillor Raby
volunteered to serve as Vice Chairman.
Approved by all other Member Councillors present. No other nominations.
17/013.2 RESOLVED to
appoint Councillor Raby as Vice Chairman.
Unanimous decision.
17/014 Appointment/Confirmation
of Parish Council Representatives to
17/014.1 Leigh Recreation
Ground - J Beaman, Mrs I Snowden
17/014.2 United Charities
- Mrs C Dickin, A Langridge, District Councillor C Whittaker.
17/015 To Inspect any
Deeds Land at Lime Close, Church
Leigh - Land Registry Documents.
17/016 Standing Orders,
Code of Conduct, Account and Audit Regulations
17/016.1 Model Standing
Orders 2010. Continued adoption.
17/016.2 Code of
Conduct. The East Staffordshire Borough
Council model
(Version 1st
July 2012) was adopted at the Parish Council Meeting on 6th Aug.
confirmed on 3rd June 2013
to continue the Code of Conduct for Member Councillors as adopted.
17/016.3 Confirmation of
the Adoption of the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 and the
Adoption of
the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014,
Smaller Bodies Transparency Code 2014 and the Local
Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015.
17/016.3.1 Compliance with
the Governance and Accountability for Smaller Authorities -
Practitioners Guide to Proper Practices March 2017.
17/017 Confirmation of
Risk Assessment and Audit Calendar / Event Diary
17/017.1 Financial / Asset
Risk Assessment - Issue 6 25 April 2017
/ - Issue 3 25 April 2017.
17/017.2 Audit Calendar /
Event Diary - Issue 1 31 January 2012
17/017.3 Appointment of a
Councillor for Internal Audit checking purposes.
17/017.3.1 RESOLVED to
appoint Councillor Durose
17/017.4 Review Internal
Audit Procedures
17/017.4.1 RESOLVED that the
procedures in place are appropriate and adequate to cover the
08 May 2017 (2)
17/018 Confirmation of
Dates and Times of ordinary Parish Council Meetings 2017 / 2018
17/018.1 RESOLVED to
continue to hold meetings on the first Monday of each month
unless it
falls on a Bank Holiday, in which case it will be held on the second Monday.
starting being 7.30pm.
17/019 Minutes
that the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
of 3rd
April 2017 be signed by the meeting Chairman.
17/020 Chairman’s
Announcements No announcements.
17/021 Declarations of
Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, Personal Interests and
Interests None declared.
17/021.1 Requirement to
complete the 2017 / 2018 ESBC, Register of Councillors Interest Forms
17/022 Outstanding
17/022.1 Defibrillators
for the Farmers Arms and Middleton Green Telephone Box.
Update on
installation of the units from Councillor Beaman.
Both units
now installed and connected. Registered
with W.M. Ambulance Service.
17/022.1.1 A label indicating
the primary funding source is required for both units.
Wording for
the labels to be established from the fund donors.
17/023 Finance
17/023.1 Financial
Statement and Bank Account Reconciliation.
Check of
Financial Statement against Bank Statements completed.
17/023.2 Invoice. Greenbarnes Ltd. Noticeboard.
£679.22 plus £135.84 VAT.
£815.06 LGA
1972 s111.
17/023.2.1 RESOLVED to pay
the invoice.
17/023.3 Aon Insurance
Premium Renewal £373.98 LGA 1972 s111.
17/023.3.1 RESOLVED to renew
the Insurance with Aon and pay the premium.
17/023.4 1&1 Invoice
Quarterly Website Fee. Payable to C
Astbury. £9.12 + £1.82 VAT
£10.94 LGA 1972 s142.
17/023.4.1 RESOLVED to
reimburse C Astbury for payment of the quarterly website fee.
17/023.5 Invoice Croppers Ground Maintenance Recreation Ground Mowing
£187.50 + £37.50 VAT Total £225.00 1976 LG(MP)A s19.1b
17/023.5.1 RESOLVED to pay
the invoice.
17/023.6 Invoice. Hands & Co. Internal Audit. £80.00.
LGA 1972 s111.
17/023.6.1 RESOLVED to pay
the invoice.
17/023.7 Invoice. Woodward’s Printer. £150.00.
LGA 1972 s137.
Printing of
Produce Show Schedules
17/023.7.1 RESOLVED to pay
the invoice.
17/023.8 Internal Audit
to Member Councillors. No issues raised that
require attention but
17/023.8.1 External Audit -
Internal Auditors Report completed by the Auditor and signed
17/023.9 Finance Record
Book, Summary Receipts & Payments Account, Supporting Statement.
that the Chairman sign the Internal Financial Records.
17/023.10 External Audit
- Signing of Annual Governance Statement
2016 / 2017.
that the Chairman sign the Annual Governance Statement
17/023.11 External Audit
- Signing of Accounting Statements 2016
/ 2017.
that the Chairman sign the Accounting Statement.
08 May 2017 (3)
17/024 Planning
17/024.1 Applications
returned to East Staffordshire Borough Council - Reply Awaited
17/024.1.1 P/2016/00863 Broad Oak Farm, Bramshall. Agricultural
building to dwellings
17/024.1.2 P/2017/00320 1 Station View, Moor Lane, Lower
of garage, erection of triple garage with work room.
17/024.1.3 P/2017/00331 Barn Croft, Dodsleigh. Extensions, Double Garage, New Access.
17/024.1.4 P/2017/00298 &
Associated LBC 00367. Church View,
Church Leigh.
Access, wall and gates, erection of detached garage
17/024.2 Application
Decisions by East Staffordshire Borough Council None
17/024.3 Applications
received by the Parish Council for Consultation
17/024.3.1 P/2017/00472 Greenlea, Nobut to Withington
Green. Agric.building to dwelling
17/ RESOLVED to take a
neutral stance. No particular
17/024.4 Planning Appeals None in progress.
17/024.5 Planning Queries None
17/025 Correspondence
17/025.1 County Council
17/025.1.1 A50 Growth
Corridor. Update. For information.
17/025.1.2 Highway
Repairs. Update. For information.
17/025.2 East
Staffordshire Borough Council
17/025.2.1 County Council
Election Results. Uttoxeter Rural
Philip Atkin was re-elected.
17/025.3 Community Council
of Staffordshire None
17/025.4 Staffordshire
Parish Councils’ Association
17/025.4.1 Weekly updates
forwarded to Member Councillors for information.
17/026 Matters raised
by Member Councillors / Clerk
17/026.1 Councillor Raby
17/026.1.1 Comment on the
adverse effect of charging for hardcore recycling.
17/026.1.2 Electrical Supply
problems and use of the 105 reporting number should be more
widely publicised.
17/026.2 Councillor Beaman
17/026.2.1 The public bench
seat on Lime Close. In need of repair or
original benefactor or purpose was not known.
17/026.2.2 The Cheshire
Railings on the inside of the bend opposite The Star - visibility
restricted by overgrown vegetation.
17/027 Date of Next
17/027.1 Monday 5th
June 2017. 7.30pm.
The meeting concluded at 8.25pm.
Signed _______________ Chairman
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