Wednesday 7 August 2019

Parish Council Minutes - July 2019


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 1st July 2019
Leigh Village Hall commencing 7.30pm.
                        Councillor         B Barker
                        Councillor         E Beaman
                        Councillor         T Collins
                        Councillor         E Durose
                        Councillor         A Raby Vice Chairman
                        Councillor         M Snowden

                        Parishioners                  Mrs W Lewis,  Mr G Warburton
                        Clerk                B A Boughey

19/041             Apologies                    Councillor         J Beaman   Chairman                (Holiday)
19/041.1          Other Apologies           District Councillor         Councillor C Whittaker

19/042.            Chairman’s Announcements None

19/043.            Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, Personal Interests, other Interests
19/043.1          None declared.

19/044.            Minutes
19/044.1          COUNCIL RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
                        of 3rd June 2019 be signed by the meeting Chairman.

19/045.            Outstanding Matters
19/045.1          Footpath 29.  Bottom of Chebsey Bank adjacent to the Grass Dryer
19/045.1.1       Vegetation cleared by the Parish Council.  Further work required to reduce hedging
                        stump growth.
                        Barbed wire along the newly fenced section was now on the field side of the posts.
19/045.2          Safe for storing Parish documents.   No progress.
19/045.3          School Lane,  Church Leigh.  Road surface adjacent to the high wall.
19/045.3.1       No further information received from Highways in response to further queries
                        regarding  the Inspectors report.
19/045.4          School traffic issues and the installation of a speed indication device.
                        No further information.  County Highways specification on the installation of such
                        devices states that they can only be installed within a 30MPH area.
19/045.4.1       Councillor Collins outlined the proposal of creating a hard standing footpath along
                        the Church side edge of the Recreation Ground to link in with the Churchyard footpath.
19/045.5          Fly Tipping at Holmcroft.  The garage on Raddle Lane.
                        East Staffordshire Borough Council are not able to remove rubbish from private land
                        until such time that they can determine the owner of this unregistered land.
                        The query now goes to the Planning Department to contact the land owner.
19/046.            Finance
19/046.1          Financial Statement and Bank Account Reconciliation.
                        Check of Financial Statement against Bank Statements completed.

                                                                                                                                    01 July 2019 (2)
19/046.2          Invoice   Cropper Grounds Maintenance   Recreation Ground Mowing
                        May  £191.66 + £38.33 VAT   Total  £229.99 1976 LG(MP)A s19.1b
19/046.3          .Invoice   Cropper Grounds Maintenance   Recreation Ground Mowing
                        June  £191.66 + £38.33 VAT   Total  £229.99 1976 LG(MP)A s19.1b
                        RESOLVED to pay both invoices.  Total ££459.98
19/046.4          Invoice. Leigh Village Hall. Three Parish Council meetings. April, May, June £75.00
                        RESOLVED to pay the invoice  LGA 1972 s111
19/046.5          Clerks Quarterly Salary  Gross £412.50 Net £330.10 PAYE £82.40. LGA 1972 s112(2)
                        RESOLVED to pay the Clerk the Net Salary of £330.10.
                        RESOLVED to pay HMRC the PAYE of £82.40
19/046.6          Invoice.  Staffordshire County Council.  GDPR - Data Protection Services.  £150.00
                        RESOLVED to pay the invoice.  LGA 1972 s111.

19/047             Planning Applications
19/047.1          Applications returned to East Staffordshire Borough Council - Reply Awaited
19/047.1.1       P/2019/00271              Mallions Croft, Church Leigh. Detached Stable Block
19/047.1.2       P/2019/00371              Log Cabin, Hill Lane, Morrilow Heath.  Replacement dwelling
19/047.1.3       P/2019/00527              8 Bents Lane,  Church Leigh.  Erection of side and rear extension
19/047.2          Application Decisions by East Staffordshire Borough Council
19/047.2.1       P/2019/00416  Refuse  White Cottage,  Leigh Lane.     Conversion & alteration of existing                                                        stable to form an Holiday Let.
19/047.2.2       P/2019/00494  Permit Chebsey House,  Church Leigh.  Erection of rear balconies
19/047.3          Applications received by the Parish Council for Consultation      None

19/047.4          Planning Appeals          None in progress.
19/047.5          Planning Queries           The Raddle, Chebsey Bank and Newt
                                                            No report received from Borough Planning Enforcement
19/048             Correspondence
19/048.1          County Council None
19/048.2          East Staffordshire Borough Council                   None
19/048.3          Staffordshire Parish Councils’ Association
19/048.3.1       Weekly updates forwarded to Member Councillors for information.

19/049             Matters raised by Member Councillors / Clerk
19/049.1          Councillor E Beaman.  Parishioners asking questions about the validity of the access
                        newly created at the junction of Parkhall Lane and School Lane in Church Leigh.
19/049.1.1       ESBC Planning Department to be advised of the access.
19/049.2          Councillor Collins.  Update on his current list of outstanding potholes reports.
19/049.3          Councillor Raby.  Advising the meeting that the defibrillators within the Parish were
                        now included on the National Register System.  The previous local register had been
19/049.4          Clerk.  The Parish Council Meeting Minutes. 2013 to 2016 were now deposited with
                        the County Record Office.

19/050             Date of Next Meeting
                        Monday 5th August 2019.  Councillor M Snowden submitted his apologies - Holiday
The meeting concluded at 8.16pm. 
                                                                                    Signed              _______________      Chairman

                                                                                    Date                 ______________.

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