Friday, 17 July 2020

Parish Council Minutes - June 2020

                                                                                                                                        01 June 2020 (1)

Meeting Cancelled                 Coronavirus Restrictions

Notes relating to cancelled meeting.

20/013.            Outstanding Matters             None

20/014.            Finance
20/014.1          Financial Statement and Bank Account Reconciliation.
                        Check of Financial Statement against Bank Statements completed.
20/014.2          Invoice   Cropper Grounds Maintenance   Recreation Ground Mowing
                        May £191.66 + £38.33 VAT   Total  £229.99 1976 LG(MP)A s19.1b
                        Invoice paid.
20/014.3          Invoice.  Ionos (Website provider) via Carol Astbury.  £10.00 + £2.00 VAT.
                        Total £12.00    LGA 1972. s142.
                        Fee paid by Carol Astbury reimbursed.

20/015.            Planning Applications
20/015.1          Applications returned to East Staffordshire Borough Council - Reply Awaited
20/015.1.1       P/2019/00892              Field House,  Parkhall Lane.  Paddock / Stable / Access
20/015.1.2       P/2019/01269              Watsonrose Cottage,  Hill Lane, Morrilow Heath.
                                                            Single storey front and side extension.
20/015.1.3       P/2020/00257              Bottom Hedge Farm,  Leigh Lane,  Bramshall.
                                                            Temporary Agricultural Workers dwelling for a period of 5 years.
20/015.1.4       P/2020/00322              Greenacres,  Moor Lane,  Lower Leigh.
                                                            Installation of a Bio Pure 3 sewage treatment unit.

20/014.2          Application Decisions by East Staffordshire Borough Council         None

20/014.3          Applications received by the Parish Council for Consultation                       None

20/014.4          Planning Appeals        None
20/014.5          Planning Queries         No new queries

20/015             Correspondence
20/015.1          County Council
20/015.1.1       emails. Coronavirus   Ongoing updates received..    
20/015.1.2       Footpath 29 adjacent to the Grass Dryer.  Rights of Way to arrange for the
                        blackthorn stumps to be cut down or removed.
20/015.1.3       Road Closure notice.  BT work.  Back Lane, Withington.

20/015.2          East Staffordshire Borough Council              None

20/015.3          Staffordshire Parish Councils’ Association
20/015.3.1       Weekly updates forwarded to Member Councillors for information.

20/016             Matters raised by Member Councillors / Clerk

20/017             Date of Next Meeting
                        Monday 6th July 2020.  Leigh Village Hall

Parish Council Minutes - April 2020

                                                                                        06 April 2020 (1)

Meeting Cancelled                 Coronavirus Restrictions

Notes relating to cancelled meeting.

20/001.            Outstanding Matters             None

20/002.            Finance
20/002.1          Financial Statement and Bank Account Reconciliation.
                        Check of Financial Statement against Bank Statements completed.
20/002.2          Staffordshire Parish Councils’ Association.  Annual Subscription £274.00.
                        Subscription paid.       LGA 1972 s143.
20/002.3          Invoice   Cropper Grounds Maintenance   Recreation Ground Mowing
                        March £191.66 + £38.33 VAT   Total  £229.99 1976 LG(MP)A s19.1b
                        Invoice paid.
20/002.4          Invoice.  Ionos (Website provider) via Carol Astbury.  £10.00 + £2.00 VAT.
                        Total £12.00    LGA 1972. s142.
                        Fee paid by Carol Astbury reimbursed.
20/002.5          Invoice.  Leigh Village Hall.  January, February, March Council Meetings.  £75.00
                        Invoice paid.    LGA 1972 s111.
20/002.6          Clerk’s Expenses.  Postage for financial year 2019 - 2020.  £22.68.  LGA 1972 s111
                        Clerk reimbursed.
20/002.7          Draft End of Year Accounts and Associated Required Statements circulated.
20/002.8          Accident Risk and Financial Risk Assessments.
                        Minor changes to the Financial Risk statements completed.
20/002.9          VAT Return for 2019 - 2020 submitted.   £575.90.
20/002.10        Internal Audit.
                        To be completed by Hands & Co. once the External Audit forms are received.
20/002/11        External Audit.  Issue of forms delayed until late April.

20/003.            Planning Applications
20/003.1          Applications returned to East Staffordshire Borough Council - Reply Awaited
20/003.1.1       P/2019/00892              Field House,  Parkhall Lane.  Paddock / Stable / Access
20/003.1.2       P/2019/01269              Watsonrose Cottage,  Hill Lane, Morrilow Heath.
                                                            Single storey front and side extension.

20/003.2          Application Decisions by East Staffordshire Borough Council
20/003.2.1       P/2019/00887  Refuse  Browns Cottage,  Church Leigh.  Retention of Land
                                                            as part of the Domestic Curtilage,  New Access, Fence / Gates
20/003.2.2       P/2019/01192  Permit Building at Church View Farm, Dodsleigh.
                                                            Retention of a wood chip boiler and store plus flue and ash bin
20/003.2.3       P/2020/00029  Permit Land off Intakes Lane.  Agricultural Livestock Building

20/003.3          Applications received by the Parish Council for Consultation
20/003.3.1       P/2020/00223              Wood View,  Hill Lane,  Morrilow Heath.
                                                            Single storey garage & store
20/003.3.2       P/2020/00228              Bents Cottage,  The Bents, Leigh.
                                                            Continued use of former annexe as a separate dwelling.
20/003.3.3       P/2020/00257              Bottom Hedge Farm,  Leigh Lane,  Bramshall.
                                                            Temporary Agricultural Workers dwelling for a period of 5 years.
                                                                                                                        06 April 2020 (2)

20/003.4          Planning Appeals        P/2019/00416  White Cottage,  Leigh Lane,  Upper Leigh
                                                            Appeal against refusal.
                                                            Conversion of existing stable to holiday let.
20/003.5          Planning Queries         No new queries

20/004             Correspondence
20/004.1          County Council
20/004.1.1       email.   Councillor Atkins.  Parish road network.
                        Proposed meeting with officers to be arranged.
20/004.1.2       emails. Coronavirus   Ongoing updates received..     .

20/004.2          East Staffordshire Borough Council

20/004.3          Staffordshire Parish Councils’ Association
20/004.3.1       Weekly updates forwarded to Member Councillors for information.
20/004.3.2       SPCA - CPRE Planning Training event. 28th March at Yarnfield Park.
                        Cancelled.  Re- arranged for 26th September.

20/005             Matters raised by Member Councillors / Clerk

20/006             Date of Next Meeting

                        Monday 4th May 2020.  Leigh Village Hall
                        Annual Parish Assembly  7.00pm.  followed by the
                        Annual Meeting of the Parish Council.
                        BOTH MEETINGS CANCELLED.

Parish Council Minutes - March 2020

                                                                                        02 March 2020 (1)

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 2nd March 2020
Leigh Village Hall commencing 7.55pm.
Following Public Participation starting at 7.30pm
                        Councillor       B Barker
                        Councillor       E Beaman
                        Councillor       J Beaman         Chairman
                        Councillor       E Durose
                        Councillor       A Raby
                        Councillor       M Snowden

                        Parishioners     Mrs W Lewis,  Mrs V Johnson,  Mr D Wilson,  Mr G Warburton.
                        Clerk               B A Boughey 

19/121.            Apologies                                Councillor       T Collins

19/122.            Chairman’s Announcements           No announcements

19/123.            Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, Personal Interests, other Interests
                        None Declared.

19/124.            Minutes
19/124.1          COUNCIL RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
                        of 3rd February 2020 be signed by the meeting Chairman.

19/125.            Outstanding Matters             None

19/126.            Finance
19/126.1          Financial Statement and Bank Account Reconciliation.
                        Check of Financial Statement against Bank Statements completed.
19/126.2          Invoice   Cropper Grounds Maintenance   Recreation Ground Mowing
                        February £191.66 + £38.33 VAT   Total  £229.99 1976 LG(MP)A s19.1b
                        RESOLVED to pay the invoice.
19/126.3          Donation to Leigh Village Hall.
                        Contribution to cost of replacement outside lights.  £250.00.  LGA 1972 s137
                        RESOLVED to make the donation.
19/126.4          Clerks Quarterly Salary. Gross £412.50. Net £329.90 PAYE £82.60  LGA!972 s112(2)
                        RESOLVED to pay the Clerk the Net Salary of £329.90.
                        RESOLVED to pay HMRC the PAYE of £82.60.

19/127             Planning Applications
19/127.1          Applications returned to East Staffordshire Borough Council - Reply Awaited
19/127.1.1       P/2019/00887              Browns Cottage,  Church Leigh.  Retention of Land
                                                            as part of the Domestic Curtilage,  New Access, Fence and Gates.
19/127.1.2       P/2019/00892              Field House,  Parkhall Lane.  Paddock / Stable / Access
19/127.1.3       P/2019/01192              Building at Church View Farm, Dodsleigh.
                                                            Retention of a wood chip boiler and store plus flue and ash bin
19/127.1.4       P/2019/01269              Watsonrose Cottage,  Hill Lane, Morrilow Heath.
                                                            Single storey front and side extension.
19/127.1.5       P/2020/00029              Land off Intakes Lane.  Agricultural Livestock Building
                                                                                                                        02 March 2020 (2)

19/127.2          Application Decisions by East Staffordshire Borough Council         None

19/127.3          Applications received by the Parish Council for Consultation           None

19/127.4          Planning Appeals        P/2019/00416  White Cottage,  Leigh Lane,  Upper Leigh
                                                            Appeal against refusal.
                                                            Conversion of existing stable to holiday let.
19/127.5          Planning Queries         No new queries

19/128             Correspondence
19/128.1          County Council
19/128.1.1       Notice of road closure at Upper Leigh crossing.

19/128.2          East Staffordshire Borough Council
19/128.2.1       emails relating to the Fly Tipping at the Disused Garage on Raddle Lane
                        ESBC have confirmed that they have made contact with the owners of the site
                        and that the rubbish will be cleared. ESBC have requested that the landowners
                        erect fencing in an attempt to prevent future fly tipping.

19/128.3          Staffordshire Parish Councils’ Association
19/128.3.1       Weekly updates forwarded to Member Councillors for information.
19/128.3.2       SPCA - CPRE Planning Training event. 28th March at Yarnfield Park.
                        Councillor E Beaman and Councillor Collins booked to attend the event.

19/128.4          Burton Mail email re Church Leigh the most isolated village in East Staffordshire
                        Source and context of the report not known.  No comment at this stage.
19/128.5          Great British Spring Clean - 20th March to 13th April
                        Councillor E Beaman to arrange a Parish rubbish picking session.
19/128.6          Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service - Safety Plan 2020 - 2024.  For information.

19/129             Matters raised by Member Councillors / Clerk
19/129.1          Lime Close,  damaged street sign.   Councillor J Beaman is currently repairing the sign.
19/129.2          Inspection of trees at the entrance to Lime Close.  Cutting down Lime tree base growth.
                        RESOLVED to invited Mr D Wilson to quote for inspecting the trees and cut back the
                        base growth around the Lime tree.
19/129.3          Leighfest 2020.   No request for funding this years event received at present.
19/129.4          May meetings to be held on Monday 4thMay.
                        Annual Parish Assembly starting at 7.00pm followed by the Annual Meeting of the
                        Parish Council.
                        Reports for presentation at the Annual Parish Assembly requested from :-
                        Leigh Recreation Ground Committee, Village Hall Committee, Spencer Trust,
                        Leigh United Charities, May Ball Committee.

19/130             Date of Next Meeting            Monday 6th April 2020.

The meeting concluded at  8.28pm. 
                                                                                    Signed             _______________      Chairman

                                                                                    Date                ______________.

Public Participation Meeting
Notes of the meeting held prior to  the
Parish Council Meeting of 3rd February 2020

Public Participation following the Meeting.  Commencing at 7.30pm.  Concluding at 7.55pm.

                        Councillor       B Barker
                        Councillor       E Beaman
                        Councillor       J Beaman         Chairman
                        Councillor       E Durose
                        Councillor       A Raby
                        Councillor       M Snowden

                        Parishioners     Mrs W Lewis,  Mrs V Johnson,  Mr D Wilson,  Mr G Warburton

                        Clerk               B A Boughey

Discussion on the state of the roads in the Parish with regard to potholes and lying water.
The response of County Highways in handling reports and the procedure adopted in tackling pothole repair, a scattered pothole repair approach following individual reports and a priority classification system rather than an obvious need throughout a section of road.