Friday 21 June 2019

Parish Council Minutes - May 2019

                                                                                                                                                        13 May 2019 (1)

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 13th May 2019
Leigh Village Hall commencing 8.10pm.
Following the Annual Parish Assembly which commenced at 7.00pm.
                        Councillor       B Barker
                        Councillor       E Beaman
                        Councillor       J Beaman         Chairman
                        Councillor       T Collins
                        Councillor       E Durose
                        Councillor       A Raby
                        Councillor       M Snowden
                        Parishioners     Mrs W Lewis,  Mrs V Johnson,  Mrs P Bowers,
                                                Mr A Langridge,  Mr L Ingram
                        Clerk               B A Boughey

19/011             Apologies                    None
19/011.1          Other Apologies          District Councillor      Councillor C Whittaker
19/012             Signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office by the newly elected Councillors
                        following the Uncontested Election.
19/012.1          All Member Councillors signed Acceptance of Office form.
19/013.            Election of Chairman
19/013.1          Nominations    Councillor J Beaman.              Proposed by Councillor Barker
                                                                                                Seconded by Councillor Durose
19/013.2          Councillor J Beaman duly elected as Chairman.  Unanimous decision.
19/013.3          Councillor J Beaman signed the Chairmans Declaration of Office form.
19/014.            Election of Vice Chairman
19/014.1          Nominations    Councillor Raby                      Proposed by Councillor Snowden
                                                                                                Seconded by Councillor E Beaman
19/014.2          Councillor Raby duly elected as Vice Chairman.  Unanimous decision.
19/015.            Appointment/Confirmation of Parish Council Representatives to
                        Parish Organisations
19/015.1          Leigh Recreation Ground  - Councillor J Beaman, Mrs I Snowden
19/015.2          United Charities - Mrs C Dickin,  Mr A Langridge,  District Councillor C Whittaker.
                        (Councillor Raby to succeed Mrs Dickin on her retirement)
19/015.3          Spencer Trust - Councillor E Beaman,  Mr J Slater,  Councillor M Snowden.
19/016.            To Inspect any Deeds            Land at Lime Close, Church Leigh
19/017.            Standing Orders, Code of Conduct, Account/Audit Regulations,
                        Data Protection Regulations
19/017.1          Model Standing Orders 2018.  Continued adoption.
19/017.2          Code of Conduct.  The East Staffordshire Borough Council model (Version July 2012)
                        was adopted at the Parish Council Meeting on 6th Aug. 2012 and confirmed on
                        3rd June 2013.  Continued adoption
19/017.3          Confirmation of the Adoption of the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 and the                     adoption of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014,  Smaller Bodies                                    Transparency Code 2014 and the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015.
19/017.4          Compliance with the Governance and Accountability for Smaller Authorities -
                        A Practitioners Guide to Proper Practices April 2019..
19/017.5          Continued adoption of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) that came
                        into force on 25th May 2018.

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19/018             Confirmation of Risk Assessment and Audit Calendar / Event Diary
19/018.1          Financial / Asset Risk Assessment - Issue 8  April 2019  / - Issue 4   21 March 2018.
19/018.2          Audit Calendar / Event Diary - Issue 1  31 January 2012 .

19/019             Appointment of Councillor for Internal Audit checking purposes.
                        RESOLVED that Councillor Durose continues as the appointed Member Councillor.

19/020             Review Internal Audit Procedures
                        Following the Independent Internal Audit it was considered that the existing
                        procedures for the control of Council financial affairs were proportionate and adequate.

19/021.            Confirmation of Dates and Times of ordinary Parish Council Meetings 2019 / 20
                        RESOLVED to continue with Monday meetings commencing at 7.30pm.
                        The first Monday in the month except when it falls on a Bank Holiday in which case
                        the meeting is held on the second Monday.

19/022.            Chairman’s Announcements           None

19/023.            Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, Personal Interests, other Interests
19/023.1          None declared.
19/023.2          ESBC Interest Forms to be completed by all Member Councillors.

19/024.            Minutes
19/024.1          COUNCIL RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
                        of 1st April 2019 be signed by the meeting Chairman.

19/025.            Outstanding Matters
19/025.1          Footpath 29.  Bottom of Chebsey Bank adjacent to the Grass Dryer
                        The footpath has not cleared of vegetation and the barbed wire has not been moved.
                        No feedback from the County Council Rights of Way Officer received.
19/026.            Finance
19/026.1          Financial Statement and Bank Account Reconciliation.
                        Check of Financial Statement against Bank Statements completed.
19/026.2          Insurance Premium Renewal  £ 344.93       LGA 1972 s111.
                        RESOLVED to pay the Insurance Premium.
19/026.3          1&1 Invoice Quarterly Website Fee.  Payable to C Astbury.  £23.97 + £4.79 VAT
                        Total £28.76   LGA 1972 s142.
                        RESOLVED to reimburse Mrs Astbury for payment of Website costs.
19/026.4          Invoice.  WEL Medical.  6 replacement Electrode Pads for the Defibrillators
                        £191.65 + £38.33  VAT.  Total £229.98.   Public Health Act 1936 s234.
                        RESOLVED to pay the invoice.
19/026.5          Invoice   Croppers Ground Maintenance   Recreation Ground Mowing
                        April £191.66 + £38.33 VAT   Total  £229.99 1976 LG(MP)A s19.1b
                        RESOLVED to pay the invoice.
19/026.6          Invoice.  Hands & Co. Internal Audit.  £ 80.00.    LGA 1972 s111.
                        RESOLVED to pay the invoice.
19/026.7          Internal Audit Report
                        Copy circulated to all Member Councillors.
                        Comments noted.  No financial arrangements require changing.

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19/026.8          End of Year Accounts.
                        Signing Finance Record Book, Receipts and Payments Account, Supporting Statement.
                        Documents signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.
19/026.9          Signing of External Audit - Annual Governance and Accounting Statement for 2018/19
                        Documents signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.
19/026.10        Signing of External Audit Certificate of Exemption.
                        Document signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.
                        To be forwarded to the External Auditor (Mazars)  Indicating that the Parish Council
                        complies with the Exemption criteria and that an External Audit is not required.
19/026.10.1     Audit information, as required, to be made available on the website by the end of June.

19/027             Planning Applications
19/027.1          Applications returned to East Staffordshire Borough Council - Reply Awaited
19/027.1.1       P/2019/00271              Mallions Croft, Church Leigh. Detached Stable Block
19/027.1.2       P/2019/00371              Log Cabin, Hill Lane, Morrilow Heath.  Replacement dwelling
19/027.1.3       P/2019/00386              Opposite Broadoak Farm, Bramshall.  Overhead Power Work

19/027.2          Application Decisions by East Staffordshire Borough Council
19/027.2.1       P/2019/00047  Permit Wyndecote   Lower Leigh.  Two storey rear extension.
19/027.2.2       P/2019/00051  Permit Woodside Cottage,  Middleton Green.  Two storey rear extension
19/027.2.3       P/2019/00133  Permit The Coach House, Church Leigh.  LBC - Internal Alterations

19/027.3          Applications received by the Parish Council for Consultation
19/027.3.1       P/2019/00416              White Cottage,  Leigh Lane.  Conversion & alteration of existing                                                    stable to form an Holiday Let.
                        The Parish Council had reservations about this application but no specific Planning
                        Term issues.
19/027.3.2       P/2019/00494              Chebsey House,  Church Leigh.  Erection of rear balconies
                        RESOLVED to raise no objections.
19/027.3.3       P/2019/00527              8 Bents Lane,  Church Leigh.  Erection of side and rear extension
                        RESOLVED to raise no objections.

19/027.4          Planning Appeals        None in progress.
19/027.5          Planning Queries         None

19/028             Correspondence
19/028.1          County Council           None

19/028.2          East Staffordshire Borough Council
19/028.2.1       Councillor Whittaker was re-elected unopposed, therefore no election was required.
                        There was also no election required for the Parish Council and therefore no polling
                        at Leigh Village Hall on 2nd May causing a problem as parishioners turned up to vote.
19/028.2.2       Fly Tipping issue at Holmecroft Garage on Raddle Lane.
                        An Environmental Enforcement Officer had visited, as a result it was confirmed that
                        the site was not registered with the Land Registry but ESBC would pursue the owners.
19/028.2.3       Planning Queries raised at the April meeting.
19/028.2.4       Concern regarding the growing development at “Newt” at osier beds access, and use
                        of a garage at Chebsey Bank.
19/    Planning Enforcement Officer to visit the sites.

19/028.3          Staffordshire Parish Councils’ Association
19/028.3.1       Weekly updates forwarded to Member Councillors for information.
                                                                                                                                    13 May 2019 (4)

19/028.4          email regarding the state of the road surface by the wall in School Lane, Church Leigh.
                        There is a semi-loose surface between the edge of the highway tarmac and the base
                        of the wall where surface water collects.  The concern is that it will undermine the wall.
19/028.4.1       Highways to be contacted requesting a site inspection.

19/029             Matters raised by Member Councillors / Clerk
19/029.1          Councillor Raby
                        Commenting on the operation of the “Roadmaster” machine and the way that it deals
                        with potholes.  Those that are filled and those that are left issue.
19/029.2          Councillor E Beaman
                        Querying the access created at Chebsey House.
                        Reasons clarified by Councillor J Beaman.
19/029.3          Councillor Collins
                        Querying the status of the Agricultural Building at The Raddle as there is no
                        obvious agricultural use.
                        To be raised with ESBC through Councillor Whittaker.

19/030             Date of Next Meeting
                        Monday 3rd June 2019.

The meeting concluded at 9.00pm. 

                                                                                    Signed             _______________      Chairman

                                                                                    Date                ______________.

Public Participation Meeting
Notes of the meeting held prior to the
Parish Council Meeting of 13th May 2019

Public Participation prior to the Meeting.  Commencing at 8.05pm.  Concluding at 8.10pm.

                        Councillor       B Barker
                        Councillor       E Beaman
                        Councillor       J Beaman         Chairman
                        Councillor       T Collins
                        Councillor       E Durose
                        Councillor       A Raby
                        Councillor       M Snowden

                        Parishioners     Mrs W Lewis,  Mrs V Johnson,  Mrs P Bowers,
                                                Mr A Langridge,  Mr L Ingram

                        Clerk               B A Boughey

Mr L Ingram

Update on the state of the river and the river bridge at Lower Leigh following the report to the
Environmental Agency and County Highways Bridge Inspector last year.

Mr A Langridge

Question raised during the meeting when discussing the Parish Council land at Lime Close.

Query regarding the ownership of The Green at Lower Leigh.

The Parish Council understand that this triangular area of land within the highway network is not
owned by the County Council, does not appear on their asset register and is not registered with the Land Registry.

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