Monday, 3 June 2019

Parish Council Minutes - April 2019

                                                                                                                                        01 April 2019 (1)

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 1st April 2019
Leigh Village Hall commencing 7.30pm.
                        Councillor       B Barker
                        Councillor       J Beaman         Chairman
                        Councillor       T Collins
                        Councillor       E Durose
                        Councillor       A Raby
                        Councillor       M Snowden

                        District Councillor      Councillor C Whittaker
                        Parishioners     Mrs W Lewis,  Mrs V Johnson,  Mrs P Bowers, Mr J Slater, Mr B Chilton
                        Clerk               B A Boughey

19/001             Apologies                                Councillor       E Beaman        (Family Illness)

19/002             Chairman’s Announcements           None

19/003             Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, Personal Interests, other Interests
                        None declared.
19/004             Minutes
19/004.1          COUNCIL RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
                        of 4th March 2019 be signed by the meeting Chairman.

19/005             Outstanding Matters
19/005.1          Footpath 29.  Bottom of Chebsey Bank adjacent to the Grass Dryer
                        Issue of hedge stumps along the line of the footpath and barbed wire strand on the
                        parallel fence which is on the opposite side of the footpath to the hedge.
19/005.1.1       The Rights of Way officer has now inspected the footpath and will be writing to the
19/006             Finance
19/006.1          Financial Statement and Bank Account Reconciliation.
                        Check of Financial Statement against Bank Statements completed.
19/006.2          Staffordshire Parish Councils’ Association.  Annual Subscription £274.00
                        RESOLVED to pay the subscription.   LGA 1972 s111
19/006.3          Invoice   Cropper Grounds Maintenance   Recreation Ground Mowing
                        March. £187.50 + £37.50 VAT per month  Total  £225.00 1976 LG(MP)A s19.1b
                        RESOLVED to pay the invoice.
19/006.4          Invoice.  Leigh Village Hall. Council Meetings  Jan. Feb. Mar.  £75.00  LGA1972 s111
                        RESOLVED to pay the invoice.
19/006.5          T Collins.  Reimbursement of purchase of Chains for Middleton Green from
                        Agri & Garden.  £111.58 plus £22.32 VAT.  Total  £133.90.  LGA 1972 s137.
                        RESOLVED to reimburse Councillor Collins.
19/006.6          Clerks Expenses.  Postage for Financial Year 2017 - 2018.  ££19.50  LGA 1972 s111
                        RESOLVED to reimburse the Clerk.
19/006.7          Old Boys School Trustees.  Annual Rent.  Notice of £10.00 rent per annum.
                        To be paid in the second year when the rent due is £20.00, as arranged with the Trustees.
19/006.8          End of Year Accounts.  Draft accounts presented.  Bank statement and Internal Audit
                        completion required before finalising the accounts.

                                                                                                                                    01 April 2019 (2)
19/006.9          Accident Risk and Financial Risk Assessments.  No change required to the documents
                        except for the annual increase in the amount that is allowable under LGA 1972 s137.
19/006.10        Internal Audit.  Confirmation of Hands & Co. to complete the audit by 7th May.
19/006.11        External Audit Papers received.  All required information to be completed by 1st July.
19/006.12        Information Commissioner.  Confirmation of Registration received.

19/007             Planning Applications
19/007.1          Applications returned to East Staffordshire Borough Council - Reply Awaited
19/007.1.1       P/2019/00051              Woodside Cottage,  Middleton Green.  Two storey rear extension
19/007.1.2       P/2019/00133              The Coach House, Church Leigh.  LBC - Internal Alterations
19/007.1.3       P/2019/00205              Waterloo Park, Beamhurst.  JCB application for facia signs.

19/007.2          Application Decisions by East Staffordshire Borough Council
19/007.2.1       P/2019/00047              Wyndecote   Lower Leigh.  Two storey rear extension.
                        Conditional Approval
19/007.3          Applications received by the Parish Council for Consultation                       None
19/007.4          Planning Appeals        None in progress.
19/007.5          Planning Queries         None

19/008             Correspondence
19/008.1          County Council
19/008.2          East Staffordshire Borough Council
19/008.2.1       District and Parish Elections on 2nd May, if contested, nominations close on 3rd April.

19/008.3          Staffordshire Parish Councils’ Association
19/008.3.1       Weekly updates forwarded to Member Councillors for information.

19/008.4          Mrs C Dickin.
                        Raising the issue of the state of the Gully between the Churchyard and School Lane.
19/008.4.1       Those present at the meeting who use the Gully considered that there was no problem.
                        The state of the gully to be monitored should it deteriorate.

19/009             Matters raised by Member Councillors / Clerk
19/009.1          Councillor Raby
19/009.1.1       Defibrillators.  Six replacement Pads now required at £31 each.
                        RESOLVED to purchase the Pads.
19/009.1.2       Pothole issues.
19/009.2          Councillor Snowden. Raddle Lane fly tipping issue. To be reported to ESBC Environment
19/009.3          Councillor Beaman
19/009.3.1       Report on the recent Litter Pick and the need for more Litter Picking tools.
19/009.3.2       Concern regarding the growing development at “Newt” by the osier beds access, a query
                        regarding the use of a garage at Chebsey Bank was also raised within the meeting.
                        RESOLVED to request that the ESBC Planning Enforcement Officer checks both sites.

19/010             Date of Next Meeting
                        Annual Meeting of the Parish Council  Monday 13th May this follows the Annual Parish
                        Assembly which commences at 7.00pm.
The meeting concluded at 8.25pm. 
                                                                                    Signed             _______________      Chairman

                                                                                    Date                ______________.
Public Participation Meeting
Notes of the meeting held prior to the
Parish Council Meeting of 1st April 2019

Public Participation prior to the Meeting.  Commencing at 7.40pm.  Concluding at 7.45pm.

                        Councillor       B Barker
                        Councillor       J Beaman         Chairman
                        Councillor       T Collins
                        Councillor       E Durose
                        Councillor       A Raby
                        Councillor       M Snowden

                        District Councillor      Councillor C Whittaker
                        Parishioners     Mrs W Lewis,  Mrs V Johnson,  Mrs P Bowers, Mr J Slater, Mr B Chilton
                        Clerk               B A Boughey

Mr J Slater

Commenting on the development in the Middleton Green area in relation to dwelling extensions and
comparing that with ESBC’s Planning Department approach to considering the relative small extension to Woodside Cottage.
Councillor Barker updated the meeting on the progress of the Planning Application for Woodside Cottage.

Public Participation Meeting
Notes of the meeting held following the
Parish Council Meeting of 1st April 2019

Public Participation following the Meeting.  Commencing at 8.35pm.  Concluding at 8.40pm.

                        Councillor       B Barker
                        Councillor       J Beaman         Chairman
                        Councillor       T Collins
                        Councillor       E Durose
                        Councillor       A Raby
                        Councillor       M Snowden

                        District Councillor      Councillor C Whittaker
                        Parishioners     Mrs W Lewis,  Mrs V Johnson,  Mrs P Bowers, Mr J Slater, Mr B Chilton
                        Clerk               B A Boughey

Mr J Slater

1          Comment related to development at The Raddle on Raddle Lane and the involvement of RSPCA.

2          The Willow Tree at Spring Cottage, School Lane, Lower Leigh had been planted to
            commemorate the coronation of George VI.

            This tree had now been felled.  Planning Permission had been granted by ESBC that the tree,
            subject to a TPO, could be felled.

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