Monday, 30 November 2020

Parish Council Meeting - November 2020


                                                                        02 November 2020 (1)



Meeting Cancelled                 Coronavirus Restrictions


Notes relating to cancelled meeting.


20/046.            Outstanding Matters

20/046.1          Trees at Lime Close.

                        The Planning Application submitted to ESBC for TPO work is progressing.

20/046.2          Quotations for the necessary work to be obtained once the Planning Application

                        has been approved.


20/047.            Finance

20/047.1          Financial Statement and Bank Account Reconciliation.

                        Check of Financial Statement against Bank Statements completed.

20/047.2          Invoice   Cropper Grounds Maintenance   Recreation Ground Mowing

                        October £191.66 + £38.33 VAT   Total  £229.99 1976 LG(MP)A s19.1b

                        Invoice paid.

20/047.3          Invoice.  Ionos (Website provider) via Carol Astbury.

                        £10.00 + £2.00 VAT.  Total £12.00 per month for October LGA 1972. S142

                        Invoice paid.

20/047.4          Donation to Leigh Village Hall.  As Precept. £1,500.00  LGA 1972 s137.

                        Donation paid.

20/047.5          Donation to Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.. Supply of Remembrance Wreath

                        and large display poppies.

                        Donation of £35.00 paid.  LGA 1972 s137.

20/047.6          Transfer of £1,500.00 from Unallocated funds to Allocated Asset and General

                        Maintenance fund.  To cover the costs of inspection and work on Lime Close trees.

20/047.7          Provisional 2021 / 2022 Precept Budget drafted for consideration.

                        Further details to be clarified by East Staffordshire Borough Council before the

                        Precept is required to be confirmed in January.



20/048.            Planning Applications

20/048.1          Applications returned to East Staffordshire Borough Council - Reply Awaited

20/048.1.1       P/2020/00257              Bottom Hedge Farm,  Leigh Lane,  Bramshall.

                                                            Temporary Agricultural Workers dwelling for a period of 5 years.

20/048.1.2       P/2020/00646              Hayes House Farm,  Stone Road.

                        Amended Plan             Liarage building and muck store

20/048.1.3       P/2020/00650              Dodsleigh Lane / Intakes Lane.

                                                            Agricultural Workers mobile home for a  period of 3 years.

20/048.1.4       P/2020/00677              Wood View,  Morrilow Heath.

                                                            Increase of the existing 5 pitch Caravan Club Licensed site

                                                            from 5 to10 units

20/048.1.5       P/2020/00757              Checkley Bank Cottage,  Church Lane,  Checkley

                                                            Agricultural Storage Building.           

20/048.1.6       P/2020/00999              6 Rectory Close,  Church Leigh.

                                                            Demolition of existing conservatory to facilitate erection of a                                                          single storey side extension and a part two storey /

                                                            part single storey rear extension.



                                                                                                                                                        02 November 2020 (2)



20/048.2          Application Decisions by East Staffordshire Borough Council

20/048.2.1       P/2020/00894  Permit The Old Dairy,  Leigh Road,  Bramshall.

                                                            Detached double garage.


20/048.3          Applications received by the Parish Council for Consultation

20/048.3.1       P/2020/00718              High Birches,  Bustomley Lane,  Morrilow Heath.

                                                            Erection of an Agricultural Building to house livestock and

                                                            Agricultural Supplies.

20/048.3.2       P/2020/01126              Trees at Lime Close, School Lane, Church Leigh.

                                                            Undertaking of required work on TPO Lime and Oak trees.


20/048.4          Planning Appeals        None in progress

20/048.5          Planning Queries         No new queries



20/049             Correspondence

20/049.1          County Council

20/049.1.1       emails. Coronavirus and recovery proposals. Ongoing updates received.    


20/049.2          East Staffordshire Borough Council              None


20/049.3          Staffordshire Parish Councils’ Association

20/049.3.1       Weekly updates forwarded to Member Councillors for information.


20/049.4          Fly Tipping on Parkhall Lane.  No feedback from ESBC received.


20/050             Matters raised by Member Councillors / Clerk


20/051             Date of Next Scheduled Meeting

                        Monday 7th December 2020.  Leigh Village Hall.  Unlikely to be held

Parish Council Minutes - October 2020


                                                                                        05 October 2020 (1)

                                                          LEIGH PARISH COUNCIL                                        


Meeting Cancelled                 Coronavirus Restrictions


Notes relating to cancelled meeting.


20/040.            Outstanding Matters

20/040.1          Inspection of the trees at Lime Close.

                        Ben Bennett of BB Trees Ltd. inspected the trees on 25 September.

                        A report followed and a Planning Application to undertake work on the trees was

                        subsequently submitted to ESBC.


20/041.            Finance

20/041.1          Financial Statement and Bank Account Reconciliation.

                        Check of Financial Statement against Bank Statements completed.

20/041.2          Invoice   Cropper Grounds Maintenance   Recreation Ground Mowing

                        May £191.66 + £38.33 VAT   Total  £229.99 1976 LG(MP)A s19.1b

                        Invoice paid.

20/041.3          Invoice.  Ionos (Website provider) via Carol Astbury.

                        £10.00 + £2.00 VAT.  Total £12.00 per month for August LGA 1972. S142

                        Invoice paid.

20/041.4          Invoice  Balens Insurance Brokers.  Handbell Insurance. £151.80  LGA 1972 s137

                        Invoice paid, renewing the premium at the same cost and on the same terms.

20/041.5          Clerks Quarterly Salary  Gross £412.50  Net £329.90  PAYE £82.60

                        Clerk’s paid the quarterly salary and PAYE paid to HMRC.            LGA 1972 s112(2)

20/041.6          Invoice.  BB Trees Ltd.  Inspection and Report of the trees on School Lane at the

                        junction of Lime Close.  Fee £360.00 + £72.00 VAT..  Open Spaces Act 1906. s10

                        Invoice paid.



20/042.            Planning Applications

20/042.1          Applications returned to East Staffordshire Borough Council - Reply Awaited

20/042.1.1       P/2020/00257              Bottom Hedge Farm,  Leigh Lane,  Bramshall.

                                                            Temporary Agricultural Workers dwelling for a period of 5 years.

20/042.1.2       P/2020/00646              Hayes House Farm,  Stone Road.

                                                            Liarage building and muck store

20/042.1.3       P/2020/00650              Dodsleigh Lane / Intakes Lane.

                                                            Agricultural Workers mobile home for a  period of 3 years.

20/042.1.4       P/2020/00677              Wood View,  Morrilow Heath.

                                                            Increase of the existing 5 pitch Caravan Club Licensed site

                                                            from 5 to10 units

20/042.1.5       P/2020/00757              Checkley Bank Cottage,  Church Lane,  Checkley

                                                            Agricultural Storage Building.           



20/042.2          Application Decisions by East Staffordshire Borough Council         None







                                                                                                                                                        05 October 2020 (2)


20/042.3          Applications received by the Parish Council for Consultation

20/042.3.1       P/2020/00894              The Old Dairy,  Leigh Road,  Bramshall.

                                                            Detached double garage.

20/042.3.2       P/2020/00999              6 Rectory Close,  Church Leigh.

                                                            Demolition of existing conservatory to facilitate erection of a                                                          single storey side extension and a part two storey /

                                                            part single storey rear extension.


20/042.4          Planning Appeals        P/2020/00228              Bents Cottage Annexe,  The Bents,  Leigh

                        Appeal dismissed         Appeal against the refusal for a separate dwelling

20/042.5          Planning Queries         No new queries



20/043             Correspondence

20/043.1          County Council

20/043.1.1       emails. Coronavirus and recovery proposals. Ongoing updates received.    

20/043.1.2       Broadband Voucher Scheme


20/043.2          East Staffordshire Borough Council              None


20/043.3          Staffordshire Parish Councils’ Association

20/043.3.1       Weekly updates forwarded to Member Councillors for information.


20/043.4          Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service.  Safety Plan 2020 - 2024.  Consultation.


20/044             Matters raised by Member Councillors / Clerk


20/045             Date of Next Scheduled Meeting

                        Monday 2nd November 2020.  Leigh Village Hall.  Unlikely to be held

Parish Council Minutes - September 2020


                                                                                                                        07 September 2020 (1)



Meeting Cancelled                 Coronavirus Restrictions


Notes relating to cancelled meeting.


20/034.            Outstanding Matters

20/034.1          Inspection of the trees at Lime Close.

                        Ben Bennett of BB Trees Ltd. requested to re-assess the trees and submit a report.


20/035.            Finance

20/035.1          Financial Statement and Bank Account Reconciliation.

                        Check of Financial Statement against Bank Statements completed.

20/035.2          Invoice   Cropper Grounds Maintenance   Recreation Ground Mowing

                        May £191.66 + £38.33 VAT   Total  £229.99 1976 LG(MP)A s19.1b

                        Invoice paid.

20/035.3          Invoice.  Ionos (Website provider) via Carol Astbury.

                        £10.00 + £2.00 VAT.  Total £12.00 per month for August LGA 1972. S142

                        Invoice paid.


20/036.            Planning Applications

20/036.1          Applications returned to East Staffordshire Borough Council - Reply Awaited

20/036.1.1       P/2020/00257              Bottom Hedge Farm,  Leigh Lane,  Bramshall.

                                                            Temporary Agricultural Workers dwelling for a period of 5 years.

20/036.1.2       P/2020/00646              Hayes House Farm,  Stone Road.

                                                            Liarage building and muck store

20/036.1.3       P/2020/00650              Dodsleigh Lane / Intakes Lane.

                                                            Agricultural Workers mobile home for a  period of 3 years.

20/036.1.4       P/2020/00677              Wood View,  Morrilow Heath.

                                                            Increase of the existing 5 pitch Caravan Club Licensed site

                                                            from 5 to10 units


20/036.2          Application Decisions by East Staffordshire Borough Council

20/036.2.1       P/2019/01269  Permit Watsonrose Cottage,  Hill Lane, Morrilow Heath.

                                                            Single storey front and side extension.

20/036.2.2       P/2020/00351  Permit Hob Hill Cottage, Stone Road, Bramshall

                                                            Detached building to form a Cattery and installation of

                                                            Package treatment plant.

20/036.2.3       P/2020/00516  Permit The Brambles,  1 Rectory Close,  Church Leigh.

                                                            Single storey rear extension, single storey link to garage.

                                                            Replacement front dormer windows.


20/036.3          Applications received by the Parish Council for Consultation

20/036.3.1       P/2020/00757              Checkley Bank Cottage,  Church Lane,  Checkley

                                                            Agricultural Storage Building.           




20/036.4          Planning Appeals        P/2020/00228              Bents Cottage Annexe,  The Bents,  Leigh

                                                            Appeal against the refusal for a separate dwelling

20/036.5          Planning Queries         No new queries



                                                                                                                                                        07 September 2020 (2)


20/037             Correspondence

20/037.1          County Council

20/037.1.1       emails. Coronavirus and recovery proposals. Ongoing updates received.    


20/037.2          East Staffordshire Borough Council              None


20/037.3          Staffordshire Parish Councils’ Association

20/037.3.1       Weekly updates forwarded to Member Councillors for information.


20/037.4          HM Lord Lieutenant of Staffordshire.  “Thank you” letter and Card.

                        Re Coronavirus.  To those who have contributed to provide support within

                        their communities.

20/037.5          RBL Poppy Appeal.  Remembrance Wreath and ten large poppies ordered.


20/038             Matters raised by Member Councillors / Clerk

20/038.1          Fly tipping on Raddle Lane reported to ESBC Environmental Services.


20/039             Date of Next Scheduled Meeting

                        Monday 5th October 2020.  Leigh Village Hall.  Unlikely to be held

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Leigh Parish Council Financial Report 2019 2020

Note - Website Accessibility Regulations.  Scanned documents do not comply with the regulations.  Should you require copies of these documents in an alternative format please contact the Clerk.

Brian Boughey  Telephone  01889 502757  Email 

Monday, 17 August 2020

Parish Council Minutes - August 2020


                                                                                                                                        03 August 2020 (1)



Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 3rd August 2020

Leigh Village Hall Car Park commencing 7.30pm.


                        Councillor       B Barker

                        Councillor       J Beaman         Chairman

                        Councillor       E Durose

                        Councillor       A Raby


                        Parishioners     Mrs V Johnson,  Mrs P Bowers


                        Clerk               B A Boughey 


20/024.            Apologies                    Councillor       E Beaman                    (Family)

                                                            Councillor       T Collins                      (Work)

                                                            Councillor       M Snowden                (Holiday)


20/025.            Chairman’s Announcements           No announcements


20//026.           Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, Personal Interests, other Interests

                        None Declared.


20/027.            Minutes

20/027.1          COUNCIL RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

                        of 2nd March  2020 be signed by the meeting Chairman.

                        The April, May, June and July meetings were not held due to coronavirus restrictions

                        as it was not possible to hold normal meetings.

                        As a result no Annual Meeting of the Parish Council was held in May resulting in

                        Councillor J Beaman and Councillor A Raby continuing as Chairman and

                        Vice Chairman respectively.  This also applies to all other appointments and

                        procedures normally confirmed at the Annual Meeting.


20/028.            Outstanding Matters

20/028.1          Six Month Rule regarding attendance of Councillors at Parish Council Meetings.

                        RESOLVED to grant dispensation to all Member Councillors failing to attending

                        meetings during the period covered by the Coronavirus restrictions.


20/029.            Finance

20/029.1          Financial Statement and Bank Account Reconciliation.

                        Check of Financial Statement against Bank Statements completed.

20/029.2          Invoice   Cropper Grounds Maintenance   Recreation Ground Mowing

                        July £191.66 + £38.33 VAT   Total  £229.99 1976 LG(MP)A s19.1b

                        RESOLVED to pay the invoice.

20/029.3          Invoice.  Ionos (Website provider) via Carol Astbury.

                        £10.00 + £2.00 VAT.  Total £12.00 per month for June and July LGA 1972. S142

                        Total £24.00

                        RESOLVED to reimburse Mrs Astbury.





                                                                                                                        03 August 2020 (2)

20/029.4          2019 / 2020 Accounts

20/029.4.1       Signing of the Financial Record Book by the Chairman

20/029.4.2       Signing of the Summary Receipts and Payments Accounts and Supporting Statement

                        by the Chairman.

20/029.5          2019 / 2020 Audit Requirement Resolutions

20/029.5.1       Certificate of Exemption signed by the Chairman and Clerk.

20/029.5.2       Annual Governance Statement signed by the Chairman and Clerk

20/029.5.3       Accounting Statement signed by the Chairman and Clerk.


20/030             Planning Applications

20/030.1          Applications returned to East Staffordshire Borough Council - Reply Awaited

20/030.1.1       P/2019/01269              Watsonrose Cottage,  Hill Lane, Morrilow Heath.

                                                            Single storey front and side extension.

20/030.1.2       P/2020/00257              Bottom Hedge Farm,  Leigh Lane,  Bramshall.

                                                            Temporary Agricultural Workers dwelling for a period of 5 years.

20/030.1.3       P/2020/00351              Hob Hill Cottage, Stone Road, Bramshall

                                                            Detached building to form a Cattery and installation of package

                                                            treatment plant.

20/030.1.4       P/2020/00516              The Brambles,  1 Rectory Close,  Church Leigh.

                                                            Single storey rear extension, single storey link to garage.

                                                            Replacement front dormer windows.


20/030.2          Application Decisions by East Staffordshire Borough Council

20/030.2.1       P/2020/00515  Permit Willow Barn,  School Lane,  Lower Leigh.

                                                            Single storey rear extension


20/030.3          Applications received by the Parish Council for Consultation

20/030.3.1       P/2020/00595              Field House,  Parkhall Lane,  Church Leigh

                                                            Change of Use of Agricultural Land, Stable Block & Access

20/    RESOLVED to comment in response as follows :-

                        Issues                          Reliance on leased land for the horses.

                                                            Off street parking space for household vehicles would be useful.

                                                            Location of Stable Block could utilise in part the existing

                                                            domestic curtilage reducing use of the paddock area.

                                                            Access road design to take into account drainage of surface water


20/030.3.2       P/2020/00646              Hayes House Farm,  Stone Road.  Liarage building / muck store

20/    RESOLVED to make no comment.  No issues raised.


20/030.3.3       P/2020/00650              Land at Dodsleigh Lane / Intakes Lane.

                                                            Agricultural Workers mobile home for a temporary period of                                                           three years.

20/    RESOLVED to comment in response as follows :-

                        Issues                          Concerns over the reliance on a significant area of leasehold and                                                     secured tenancy land in proportion to that in family ownership.


20/030.3.4       P/2020/00677              Wood View,  Morrilow Heath.

                                                            Increase of the existing 5 pitch Caravan Club Licensed site to a

                                                            10 pitch site.

20/    Copy of letter sent to ESBC Planning, objecting to the application, received.

20/    RESOLVED to make no comment, neutral response.   No issues raised.


                                                                                                                        03 August 2020 (3)

20/030.4          Planning Appeals       

20/030.4.1       P/2020/00228              Bents Cottage Annexe,  The Bents,  Leigh

                                                            Appeal against the refusal for a separate dwelling    

20/030.4.2       Planning Queries         No new queries


20/031             Correspondence

20/031.1          County Council

                        Coronvirus   Ongoing related information.   Circulated.


20/031.2          East Staffordshire Borough Council

20/031.2.1       Local Government Boundary Commission.

                        East Staffordshire Ward Review - Recommendations.  For information.

20/031.2.2       Consultation.  Uttoxeter Master Plan.  Consultation ended 27th July.  For information.


20/031.3          Staffordshire Parish Councils’ Association

20/031.3.1       Weekly updates forwarded to Member Councillors for information.

20/031.3.2       Various courses available.  For information.


20/032             Matters raised by Member Councillors / Clerk

20/032.1          email from Councillor Collins thanking Councillor Durose and Councillor Raby

                        for their help in removing conifers and clearing the triangle at Middleton Green.

20/032.2          Trees on land at the entrance to Lime Close.

                        RESOLVED to seek guidance from an arboriculturist on the state of the three trees.


20/033             Date of Next Meeting            Provisional      Monday 7th September 2020.


The meeting concluded at  8.30pm. 



                                                                                    Signed             _______________      Chairman



                                                                                    Date                ______________.