Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Leigh Annual Parish Assembly - 2022 May Womens Institute Report


Leigh and District WI Annual Report for Leigh Parish Council Meeting – May 2022


There were a number of “first times” for us as Leigh and District WI.

 For the first time we began our year in May, rather than April - with 36 full members, the majority from the Leigh Parish and Tean.

It was the first time that we offered a free year of membership to our WI.

Another first, for a number of years, was a change of officers with a new President, secretary and treasurer.

Another first for us was the way in which we conducted many of our meetings in 2021/2. In the first half of the year our meetings were held via Zoom.

Zoom also allowed some of us to join other Wis for meetings and we were able to share in some of Tean’s celebrations for their centenary.

We held, in total, 14 meetings from April 2021- February 2022, some face to face and some via zoom. Our final meeting for 2021 was our Christmas meal held at The Queens at Freehay, attended by 32 members.

Our first zoom meeting took place in March 2021, when we held our AGM.

In April we were joined on zoom by Farmer Jane Barnes, who talked to us about diversifying from a dairy farmer to developing a milking parlour classroom and tea room.

We held a second meeting in April where we were joined online by “Lady Mildred Freeman” who shared some hilarious tales about Mothers Ruin- the story of gin.

In May we watched a cookery demonstration with Perry’s Field to Fork team at Eccleshall

In June we were joined by Mrs Alice Taylor, a flower farmer who talked to us about different flowers she used for bouquets throughout the seasons.

In July, due to covid restrictions our speaker cancelled and we held an inhouse quiz and social evening on zoom.

In August we met face to face for the first time since May 2020. We enjoyed an additional event with Aardvark who brought along rifles, axes and angels (a type of knife) for us to experience on the village hall green. We also enjoyed a flower arranging evening .

In September we held a very enjoyable meeting where members brought completed craft bags that had been distributed to members during the Covid lockdown in 2020. Members had been supplied with a variety of resources such as fabric, wool, colouring materials and card to produce creative items and improve their mental well being during the many months of lockdown.

 Joe from Mint Cocktail entertained us with a demonstration on Designing your own Cocktail,

Our first trip out for 2021/2022 was in September, a trip to Penkridge for a fish and chip lunch on the canal.

In the same month  members enjoyed afternoon tea at Heath House farm garden centre and nurseries


In October we welcomed Mr David Wood, a thatcher from Staffordshire. He entertained us for over an hour and half talking about his journey into thatch roofing and the history and traditions of the art as well as informing us where thatched buildings could be seen in Staffordshire.

In November Mrs Christine Robinson was welcomed to our meeting, the former housekeeper at Chatsworth who talked about preparing Chatsworth for Christmas through the years.

In December  members enjoyed an excellent Christmas meal at The Queens at Freehay. It was a lovely end to a very unusual year

During the year we also celebrated success in the SFWI competitions at the County show.

 Three £100.00 bursaries were awarded and members spent them at local workshops.

  Our craft group started to meet again in June 2021 and continued to meet until November. During some of the craft sessions neonatal blankets were completed and donated to local hospitals.

Throughout the year members contributed favourite recipes to a cook book in memory of Gill Baggeley. Gill was loved by everyone at WI, she was one of the longest standing members remaining in the group, and had been responsible for our competitions for many years. Mrs Pat Ingram is still very busy compiling the book ready for publication in 2022.

In January 2022 we unfortunately had to hold our first meeting of the year again via zoom, where members enjoyed a get together and a general discussion about plans for 2022.

In February one of our members delivered a craft session with members making clay roses for a display for the 2022 County Show. A number of members brought along their crafts for us all to learn more about. There were excellent displays of bead making, cards, 3D gift boxes, paintings and knitting on display

Despite a very difficult and unusual year for everyone members enjoyed the year which saw us have varied meetings in varied forms.


Mary Allen

President Leigh and District WI

JT09/05 22

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